“One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized, and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered,” said Michael J. Fox. Just as the quote states, throughout life we are constantly put on trial by our peers and companions. As humans beings we are far from perfect and it seems like it is human nature to find the flaws in others personalities and actions, poking fun at them at the expense of the victims. Some may know this behavior by a term called bullying and whether you agree or not there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that this behavior has a new weapon at their disposal; the internet meme. The dictionary definition for meme is “a cultural item in the form of an image, video, phrase, etc., that is spread via the internet …show more content…
Kermit is a good choice for a meme character because he is a widely recognized children's character that has achieved worldwide recognition and having been around since 1955 allows him to have an audience with a wide age range. When one looks at three memes one’s attention is automatically focused on the big white lettering at the top and bottom of each meme. Upon closer inspection it is very clear to see what is the recurring phrase in each meme, which we can call the punch line. For these particular memes the punch line seems to be “but that’s none of my business.” This is also further emphasized by Kermit the Frog facing off in another direction, his attention seemingly on something else entirely, just enjoying his tea. In the first meme the customized phrase for it is “Your phone screen is brighter than your future.” This phrase is meant to attack or make fun of a specific individual or group of individuals of whom the creator of the meme does not think have a very good chance of succeeding in life. This is funny because the very thought that a phone screen can be brighter than a person's future is implying that the targeted group must specialize in failure. This metaphor is very relevant in today’s time due to the fact that due to the increase in popularity of the cell phone many people have lost interest in participating in other activities, including striving for a better future. The second meme follows in the first one’s footsteps and uses the same recognizable styling, the only big difference being the custom phrase at the top. The second meme states, “I saw you pull that food stamp card outta ya Gucci bag.” This particular phrase is aimed at a common stereotype found in lower income communities. The stereotype is formed around a group of people who go out and buy very expensive brand name items even though they do not have
Whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. there is always some type either bullying or whatever people want to call it taking place. An instance in which the noting that takes place in Much Ado About Nothing and social media now could be similar would be seeing a picture of two people kissing compared to actually witnessing it in person as they do in Much Ado About Noting. Just because it is centuries later and things have become more evolved since that time period, does not mean people have learned what is right and wrong. Today it is much easier to do these types of things because technology has been advanced enormously. In addition it is easier because people are not face to face with someone most times while doing these things. Even though it happened long ago and is still happening today with the strict rules and laws, it will never not be a
I believe her argument is how things posted on the internet is big, like once someone post something on their it’s going to be on the internet forever. Canadian teen name is Ghyslain Raza he was filming himself acting on a fight scene to show off his skills, and he was using a makeshift light saber. Around 2003, another student discovered and took it and post online. He had felt embarrass and violated of his privacy and soon after the student drop out of college because of the negatively. Bullying has become occurrence because the confidence of teens has gained by hiding behind of a keyboard. One of the reason I think why teenager do it because they do for attention so they feel good about themselves or make people laugh. The cyber world can be very bitter especially when people post up your privacy about your personal life. I’m glad my page is on private because I feel good about myself because my friends only can look at my
At some point during your childhood, you may have encountered that troubled individual, typically known as the “bully” that drove fear in the hearts of the weakest link by humiliating them, taking what is rightfully theirs, constantly picking on them and sometimes even inflicting physical abuse. Well I hate to break it to you but this individual is back and is more equipped than before, preying on the weak and vulnerable in the cyber world (internet). Most recently, it took a crime wave of “cyber bullying” before our media and leaders in the Untied States gave it attention; now that the American people realize that the “classroom bully” has evolved into a more dangerously clever and
“...1 in 3 teens [have] admitted to being a victim of cyberbullying…” says child psychologist, Eden Foster, in reference to a survey, talked about in “The Dangers of Cyberbullying” by Brett Warke, that shows the absolute significance of cyberbullying in this day and age. Cyberbullying on social media is everywhere and it’s about time that someone took some action against it, and, in this case, taking legal action via prosecution may be the best way to go. Let it not be said that cyberbullying and bullying are different, infact, the only difference is the platform they take place on. Cyberbullying is done with the same malicious intent as face-to-face bullying is done with: the intent to hurt a victim in a psychological or physical way- showing
Cyber bullying is becoming a bigger and bigger problem on social networking sites. There have been quite a few teenage suicides in which cyber bullying seems to have played a role. In at least one case, the suicide of Alexis Pilkington, the bullying kept going on her tribute page even after her death. (Glor) “Cyber-Bullying can cause the victim to become chronically depressed and to experience a complete loss of self-esteem. A short exposure to Cyber-Bullying can have long term effects. It can result in Cyber-Bullying Suicides.” (Cyber-Bullying Suicides - Cyber Bullycide Victims ) It has many forms such as degradation, harassment, cyber stalking, impersonation, flaming (using vulgar and angry language to start fights with the victim), password theft and hacking accounts, posting photos or videos, among several others. (Cyber-Bullying Suicides - Cyber Bullycide Victims ) Bullying has been around way before the internet, but now that it is online, rumors, pictures or other forms of cyber bullying make their way around the community much faster so it is easier to humiliate someone in front of more people. “In the Internet era, it appears there are more people interested in spewing hate than in countering it. On the social networking sites and on YouTube, inflammatory, hate-filled content overwhelms the limited efforts to
Statistics show that public humiliation is one of the most common fears. As many admit to this fear, many also grasp to this concept and shame one another for absurd conditions. In the Puritan Era, many methods were used to publicly shame someone for their wrong doing. One of their common methods was to openly tell their “sin” to the whole community. One of their extreme approaches was hanging someone. This showed the public to follow the regulations of the town and do not do anything against them. Fast forward to modern times, the scheme of humiliating one another changed drastically. For instance, many occurrences pertain from social media. In 1994, the first site of social media was created. From this point on, millions of different sites
These people have a name. Those who use the freedom of the Internet’s anonymity to cause injury to others are called “trolls.” These trolls claim that they harm others for the “lulz,” which means for laughs. What they do to achieve this ranges from simple pranks to threats of
I was struck by some comments, thinking “How can these people say those things to her?”, reacting to what was after all simply a bad joke. The excitement, the delectation of her misery reflected in the compilation of comments (Ronson 70) was overwhelming, I was disgusted. A specific comment retained my attention: “Somebody (HIV+) must rape this bitch and we’ll see if her skin color protects her from AIDS.” (qtd. in Ronson 108) By all definition of bullying there is, this was it. Send threatening messages, post rumors, deform the victim’s words, share her picture, her name, personal information, all of those actions describe cyberbullying. (Warner) And they all applied to the so-called public shaming of Justine
Technology has just made it easier for society to show this type of disrespect. Having the ability to do with it with an anonymous avatar gives a person a certain fell of stimulation. Majoo believed that’s its only people being nasty, and the groups that are important or influence our society, will be minimized in what actually might be important. Media has always been around but not the way it is today. Since there are so many different forms of media, these programs show us more incivility than we saw thirty years ago. Society has either became lazy or they just don’t have filters. “Polite interaction may no longer seem to yield solutions” (Heldenfels). Incivility is the very problem cause by the influences around us, without this technology advancing so much we wouldn’t have people such as “web trolls.” I am not saying this technology has ruined us but our disrespect and cowardness has ruined our civility and
‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ (The Christian Recorder). This is the infamous saying that many have heard since they were young. With vastly growing technology today, face to face bullying is being replaced with what is known as ‘cyberbullying’. Cyberbullying is defined as, “an aggressive intentional act carried out by a group or individual using electronic forms of contact repeatedly and over against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself” (WebMD). It can take place using cell phones, computers, tablets, social media sites, text messaging, and/or chat rooms. Cyberbullying has become a growing awareness nationwide, prompting lawmakers to act and propose new laws making cyberbullying a
Matt Furie, the creator of Pepe the Frog, addressed, "It’s completely insane that Pepe has been labeled a symbol of hate, and that racists and anti-Semites are using a once peaceful frog-dude from my comic book as an icon of hate" (Dicker) after the Anti-Defamation League declared the meme to be a hate symbol, highlighting one of the most prevalent issues today -- ethnic discrimination. Pepe the frog, a meme, is an indicator of the culture in today’s internet-driven society. Memes consist of funny pictures with witty captions, designed to amuse viewers by telling a joke or mentioning a relatable circumstance. That someone would use a meme to dehumanize- demoralize through deprivation of human qualities, personality, or spirit (“Dehumanization”)- an entire group of people based on something as arbitrary as skin color is an indicator of how serious and widespread this issue is. Ethnic discrimination is a dehumanizing act; when individuals or groups are treated as inferior
The internet and the people on it can be very crucial. Social media allows people to express themselves in ways they feel can’t in the actual world. They express their feelings, their open to their own opinions, and so forth. However, the internet also consists of people who give unnecessary, mean, and hateful opinions to other people for reasons that no one truly understands. The podcast “Act One. Ask Not For Whom The Bell Trolls; It Trolls for Thee” by Lindsey West, is about a female who was constantly getting backlashed over the internet by whom she referred to as “trolls.” The internet is usually where people go to voice their opinions over what they feel is right or wrong; with Lindsey West, she had voiced her opinion and what she felt was wrong about male comedians using the rape term too often and using carelessly. A result of West voicing her opinion
Internet usage in children and adolescents has been increasing in a steadily fashion in the past number of years and with the increase in internet usage, a new form of bullying has developed – Cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can be defined as “the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person,” (Merriam-Webster, 2012). This form of bullying can come through various mediums including but not limited to text messages, emails, videos, and social networking sites. There is an overwhelming amount of information that defines cyber bullying, identifies the demographics of bullies and victims of cyber bullying, and identifies the outcomes of cyber bullying on victims. More focus needs to be placed on who the perpetrators
Social Networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today, they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling and spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it’s a matter that has spiraled out of control.
The word ‘meme’ derived from a Greek word miméma which means “imitated”. Memes are very popular amongst Millennial and are used on daily basis. Memes helps to express our feelings on certain matters or situations that can be relatable with our daily life’s events. Meme is one of the most important units of todays cultural that symbolically transmit the idea from one person to another with the help of writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked form. Everyone nowadays is so familiar with memes. Memes are the interesting item of pictures or videos that spreads widely online especially through social media and called viral.