
Definition Essay: What Is Passion?

Decent Essays

What is passion? Passion is a strong and barely controllable emotion. Passion is the powerful feeling of enthusiasm we all have inside us. When we are passionate of the work we do, the better we can overcome the obstacles that life throws our way. The more we are enthusiastic about something the more willing we are to work harder at improving ourselves. the thing that I am most passionate about is cooking and it is what makes feel marvelous inside.

We all have natural talents that we use to make a living and build a life, however one of those talents may be one you are not so passionate about but it is important to know and live your passion. Passion builds confidence, like me when I cook. When I cook, I am encouraged to carry out the tasked associated with it, and when I fail I never give up but I learn from it and improve the next time. …show more content…

I have a desire to gather all the information I can about my passion to cook because I know in the long run it will become useful. “ Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”, Harriet

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