
Definition Of Corporate Social Responsibility

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Rogers Telecom’s definition of corporate social responsibility is similar to the ISO 26000 in addressing the seven principle subjects, organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development. Although, not all issues belonging to these principles were addressed. The strongest attributes of the Rogers CSR definition supported by their 2013 CSR report are organizational governance, fair operating practices, consumer issues, community involvement and development, and the environment. The weaker attributes of the Rogers CSR definition supported by their 2013 CSR report are human rights and labour practices. Organizational governance and fair operating practices were evident in both Rogers Telecom’s CSR definition and report as they were frequently mentioned as an important factor in all business activities. Specifically, Rogers addressed two issues under the fair operating practices principle, anti-corruption and fair competition. Rogers approach in addressing the issue of anti-corruption is to adhere to the Rogers Business Conduct Guidelines, guidelines that define the expected behaviour from all employees in standards of business conduct, integrity and ethical behaviour. In addition, Rogers Board of Directors must also comply with these guidelines as well as a separate, Directors Code of Conduct and Ethics. Furthermore, Roger’s combats anti-corruption with their whistle

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