
Definition Of Courage

Decent Essays

Courage: what is it? Many of us ask ourselves what is courage, do I have courage? And the answer is yes everyone has courage. The definition of courage is, the ability to do something that frightens you. Everyone is scared of something in life, maybe it’s the dark, or riding a bike. It takes courage conquer fears, like going on a roller coaster, or trying new food; maybe even sitting with the new kid at lunch. Everything take courage, no matter how big or small.

I’ve done courageous things in my life, nothing huge, but little things. For example riding my bike for the first time without training wheels, and learning to play a new sport. Those things took courage, but one of the things that took the most courage in my life is when I got really sick. When I was eight years old I got pneumonia and was in the hospital for 10 days. This was one of the most scariest moments of my life. …show more content…

As the week went on and I got worse and worse, so after two days we went to the doctor. We got to the doctor office and I could barely walk, because my left side hurt so bad. My dad carried me in and the doctor examined me. She saw that a was very dehydrated and sick, so she called the hospital and we went there to get fluid. At the hospital doctors did test on me to see why my side was hurting so bad, after a few hours they came back and told my parents they had to admit

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