
Definition Of Funny Essay

Decent Essays

In the quote from Mark Twain, “Show me a man who knows what’s funny, and I’ll show you a man who knows what’s not”, there is one word in particular that I would like to focus on. Funny. We all know what funny means, something that causes you to laugh, something that’s humorous. But, what exactly falls under that definition? That’s something you can’t specifically decide. With so many factors going into it, including an individual’s personality, the area, the time, and more, finding something that everyone believes to be funny would be hard.
For me specifically, the word funny brings to mind jokes I’ve heard or read in my mind. More specifically, I picture chickens crossing roads, cows interrupting conversations, and a variety of different people and items knocking on doors. However, you may associate very different ideas with the word. My father and sister both find it extremely hilarious to watch other people undergo harm, while one of my best friends finds humor in making statements that have no blatantly obvious connection with the current conversation and often don’t make grammatical sense. Everyone has their own sense of humor just as everyone has their own favorite colors, whilst some may be the same, …show more content…

So, how did these social groups come to exist between people that conflict in such a major area of their lives? When confronted with divergent opinions or ideas we either diminish and dismiss them or we adapt and accept them, although the latter occurs more frequently. Simply put, humans are extremely flexible in their behavior and quickly conform to what is prevalent around them. This is seen in every aspect of our lives, from clothing trends to language norms and even in popular methods of amusement. So, as seen in any social construct, when we are in different situations we adjust to fit in. This makes it possible to for us to form bonds with those around us while retaining a personal sense of

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