
Definition Of Love

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One word thrown around is Love. People use it for everything, whether you are describing your love for pancakes or your significant other, love is a noun used by all. Despite how common this word is, almost everyone has their own specific definition. People apply personal meaning to love, meaning that they attach it to a person or an idea that they themselves come up with, but if you think that stopped people from defining love you are dead wrong. In total, there are nine different definitions of love and that is just on one site. I do not find this surprising at all, since the beginning of time love has been present and I will go on a quest to try and define as many definitions that I can get my hands on, starting with the origin of “love” …show more content…

Valentine’s day a known “holiday” in many countries originated in Roman times, however it was not the day of love like we know it now ( Back in Roman times it was deemed the day of fertility as well as the feast of Lupercalia. Roman Valentine’s day was nothing like the one you might see today, instead of cards, flowers, and declarations of love they celebrated with races, roastings, and drinking (Seipel). It seems that those who changed Valentine’s day did not care for the original intent and decided to change it, along with Cupid. Once a harsh, respected God of love, now a flying baby with wings and non-lethal arrows. Which means that the definition of love had to be changed and …show more content…

Having adapted and developed over time in order to change with the world around us. As more and more of these changes were made to the meaning of love, it started to mean less and less to people. It is simply thrown around to describe things that people like doing, or things that give you emotional and physical satisfaction. While this is a new definition of love, it lessens the more important definition that many people have come to know Love now means an unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of one another as well as an intense like for a thing or person. An undeniable change from the word’s original meaning and uses

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