
Definition Essay - The Meaning of Love

Decent Essays

The Meaning of Love

One can love a sister, a brother, a mother, a father, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins and friends, strangers, pets, the sunlight on a warm evening, reflecting through a prism, held by fishing line stuck to a little suction cup to a dusty window. You can love food from cake to roast beef, even those tiny individual candy bars that are never enough but just give you a taste of chocolate before you pop in the second one. One is able to love the feeling of carpet between toes or the tension in a hammocks string when you lay in that 'u' position swinging delightfully with each motion of your body. We can declare love for sounds coming from a stereo, love for that particular sound wave in coordination with other …show more content…

When there are so many experiences yet to happen, an infinite amount, or if not infinite, at the very least high enough that no one should ever have to worry about nothing new happening in his or her life. We can declare instant love upon sight of another person, upon hearing a brand new song, upon seeing a new collection of pixels upon a computer screen.

And so many are interested in making love, loving that lustful feeling, that connection with another person's soul, the grunting, sweaty, eye-squinting experience, or maybe just the arms of the other wrapped around the body to feel that person's heart beating next to that vein in the neck that beats and caused "suddenly his/her heart leapt into their throat," or some such saying.

Love is also the feeling someone has for a job perhaps, for a lobby of the hotel you serve in that always smells just so and has plants hanging from the wall giving the illusion you had just stepped out of a dreary gray, salt-encrusted winter into a touch of the exotic. Or for a hobby, for the grip of a ball, the tension in a muscle, the throw, watching it spin just so to the exact right spot. For rolling a die and dreaming up daring adventures against ancient dragons, or of that risk of gaining or losing it all. For the whoosh of air in free fall from 10,000 feet, or the watery embrace of sea exploring. For healing a sick child, for holding a kite string as it plays upon a wind we've no control over. For

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