
Democracy In Ancient Greece

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Before 508, Greece had many forms of leaders and rulers. Most of them were popular in the fifth century. Tyranny, aristocratic, oligarchy and monarchy were the popular types of rule. This kind of rule ended in some parts of Greece for, example, Athens adopted democracy while some states carried these methods of rule beyond 508. Athens had democracy earlier, though, it was not fully developed, it was not free to vote and it was not for everyone.
We all owe Athens, for the political style that we have today. After a series of their own trials and problems they were able to create democracy. In the earlier years, Athens’ power was concentrated in the hands belonging to the most powerful few called Aristocrats. They had access to all the best fertile land and they possessed the political power. The rocky mountains and the barren land was all that the rest of the population could get. If one could not pay back debt to the aristocrats they had to sell their land or sell themselves and their families into slavery. This sort of behaviour did not go well with the poor population who demanded fair …show more content…

Only a small number of people controlled the state, Oligarchies, and they were from a wealthy or royal background. Sparta had two kings who had royal roots, though it is mentioned that they were not true monarch (Brand, P.J, 2012) that is because they did not have all the power. A monarch is when one person rules for example a King or Queen and the hold all the power. The Kings did not have power especially when at home; they were warriors themselves so they were in charge of the military, culture and beliefs. The elder council of men above sixty had the power; they were rich and respectable citizens of Sparta. Within their society later during that time, they practised democracy by voting for leader especially the Ephors. Long time ago it is possible that all of Greece has monarchy, inherited king and

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