
Democracy Vs Democracy

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Many different ideologies have been practiced throughout history and many have failed to work. The ideology that I think has created the most success for the government and its people is democracy. The definition of democracy is a “political system of mass participation, competitive elections, and human and civil rights (Roskin 88).” This is the clear definition of democracy, but there are many different forms for example there is a representative democracy and illiberal democracy. These follow the same guideline of democracy, but have there own individual definition. Unfortunately, there is no perfect form of because for the to happen you would have to have perfect human beings. The democracy we have in the United States is far from a …show more content…

The winner would be determined by popular vote because it make things less complicated. After the people vote the candidate in they would then be able to vote on certain issues they would like the government to fix or get rid of. The voting would be direct because then the people would be voting on exactly what they want. The indirect way of voting allows for the people in power to manipulate the issue to the benefit of the government and that’s not they it should be. The government would control all of the international business that doesn’t directly affect the people in my country. The government would also be allowed to declare war if the people’s safety is put in immediate danger. They would have this power because if the country is being threatened there wouldn’t be time to vote on the issue. This ideology wouldn’t be necessarily all right wing, but probably in between middle and right on the spectrum. The people don’t have total control over the government, but majority of the power is with the people because the idea that government needs total control has created societies not so favorable for the people.

In nation building the first obstacle in nation building is identity crisis. This is when people do not consider themselves to be apart of a nation. Many countries in Africa today have tribes that do not consider themselves to be apart of a nation. The tribes have their own language

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