
Dental Hygiene Program

Decent Essays

Knowing that my teeth can have a big effect on my appearance and confidence as well an optimal oral health self-care routine can prevent periodontal diseases and caries, I have tried, throughout my life, to take care of my teeth in the best way I thought it was right. Even though, I noted that my dental self-care habits have changed since I started the Dental Hygiene Program. According to knowledge acquired in class, fortunately, the changes are positives.
Previous I started the Dental Hygiene Program, myself oral care routine was simple, to be more specific, I brushed my teeth twice a day with a manual brush and good toothpaste, but I did not know the ingredients in it and its benefices. For the last four years, approximately, I used soft toothbrushes, but before that, I loved hard ones. I used the hard toothbrush to clean my tongue and I was satisfied with how efficient it was to clean my tongue. Moreover, I used by several years the horizontal technique to brush my teeth. I was not aware of the damage my teeth could get. I used toothpicks, and to be honest, I sometimes damaged my gingiva with …show more content…

As the result, I changed some dental care habits. To give examples, I replaced manual toothbrush by powered toothbrush. In addition, I continue flossing daily through spool method, but in a better manner now, as I learned in classes. Another change in my oral self-care is the angulation of toothbrush used when I brush my teeth, because I use Bass Method nowadays, the angulation of the tooth bristles is apically at a 45-degree angle to the long axis of the tooth. I still use mouthwash after brush my teeth, but I try to do it for at least 20 to 30 seconds. Besides, I try to brush my teeth for about 2 minutes, not in the shorter time as I did before. I used fluoride

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