The United States has experienced threats against their borders, citizens and resources. After the terrorist attack of 9/11 some changes needed to be implemented to ensure the safety of America. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has the responsibility to protect the Country’s borders as well as to prepare for and respond to disasters and terrorist events. The Department of Defense has the military responsibility to protect the Country abroad. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense are America’s backbone to freedom.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security has the overall responsibility of overseeing the Department and its functions. The Department was created in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attack to better deal with preparing for terrorism (DHS, 2016). The primary mission of homeland security is to prevent terrorism and enhance security; secure and manage American borders; enforce and administer American immigration laws; safeguard and secure cyberspace; and ensure resilience to disasters (DHS, 2016). The highest priority for homeland security is protecting the American people by preventing terrorist Homeland Security and Defense
attacks, preventing the unauthorized use of weapons of mass
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Securing the borders, making sure the citizens, no matter where they are located, are safe. Homeland security is not just about borders and citizens though, it is about protecting the resources that are needed in order to maintain a safe nation and protecting that in which this Country fights so hard for: freedom. Disaster and terrorist events threaten these resources so the United States needs agencies to protect, deter, prevent and fight against these threats. That is what homeland security is all
The purpose of Homeland Security is to protect the country from foreigners entering illegally. There is border control, Coast Guard and Secret Service (Schwartz, 11/29/16). This system is still effective today, with approximately 200,000 Department of Homeland Security employees and airports now have screening due to the Transportation Security Administration that took place in 2002 (Schwartz, 11/29/16). Protection is the priority in order to avoid all the possibilities of another terrorist attack and the Department of Homeland Security definitely helped by limiting a certain percentage of another
The United States of America experienced the greatest, and arguably the most significant, restructure of both governmental and legal proportions in its contemporary history. Following the suddenness of the attacks, the United States was desperate to ensure that an onslaught of a similar stature was subdued. Henceforth, the Homeland Security Act of 2002 was established, bringing into existence the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a department specifically concerned with internal issues faced by the USA. Primarily made as a direct response to the 9/11 attacks, the role of the DHS is to protect the United States of America and its given states and territories from danger; specifically, terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, and natural disasters; this is commonly seen in airports in the form of Customs and Border Control which are two functions of the DHS, following its subsequent take over of the IHS (Immigration and Naturalisation Services) in 2003. In the same movement for security, the *USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 was legislated in an attempt to “detect and prosecute terrorism and other crimes”
The Department of Homeland Security, also known as the DHS, is an orginization that is set in place to protect and secure the United States from the many threats, inside and outside of the country, that compromise the safety of our nation. With over two hundred and forty thousand employees, the Department of Homeland Security works in many different areas of the nation to keep the people safe and secure. They are largely focused on prepping for terrorist attacks and everything that would come with an attack on our nation. This focus on terrorism has caused considerable controversy and criticism, including many accusations of violating civil rights with this orginization.
Powers include government, commanding the Armed Forces, dealing with international powers, acting as chief law enforcement officer, and vetoing laws. The most important thing for the Department of Homeland Security is to helps prevent and disrupt terrorist attacks to our nation and to protect the American people from critical infrastructure, key resources; and respond to and recover from incidents that do occur, for example “The third largest Cabinet department, DHS was established by the Homeland Security Act of 2002, largely in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001” (The Executive).It is important because the DHS protect the Unites States borders from natural disasters, criminal activity and terrorist attacks this help the nation to feel more secure because the 9/11 attack in 2001 changes everyone’s
The Department of Homeland Security is a very diverse group made of different agencies. Those agencies deal with law enforcement like the Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Drug Enforcement Administration. The Department also keeps travel and our borders safe through the Customs and Border Patrol and Transportation Security Administration. Lastly the Department of Homeland Security also deals with natural disasters through Federal Emergency Management Agency and the domestic nuclear detection office. The Department of Homeland Security plays a huge part in national safety.
Under the Constitution of the United States has mandated the government to protect the United States of America from any threat, foreign and domestic. The government must deter and prevent attacks on our homeland and as well as deter and threats from potentially occurring. Following 9/11, the Department of Defense has been entrusted with the role in the management of risks facing the United Sates.
The department of homeland security has one vital mission to the Americans which is to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This department has more than 240,000 employees that serve. The different jobs this department has to offer ranges from cyber security analyst to chemical facility inspector, from aviation and border security to emergency response. They have many other missions that fit into the most vital one like managing the borders, ensuring disaster resilience, administering immigration, securing cyberspace and enhancing security and preventing terrorism. The department formed after 9/11 opening its doors March 1, 2003. It formally came in as a stand alone, cabinet level department to bring together and spread out national
“Homeland defense represents the protection of our territory, population, and critical infrastructure by deterring and defending against foreign and domestic threats, supporting civil authorities for crisis and consequence management, and helping to ensure the continuance of critical national assets (Department of the Army 1999, 1).” (Noftsinger, 2007)
The Department of Homeland Security is to protect the nation from any type of threats. Through the Department of Homeland Security are areas such as, aviation, border security, emergency response cybersecurity analyst and chemical facility inspector (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, n.d.). Department of Homeland Security went through a complete overhaul, as a result of the September 11 terrorist attack. “…the Department of Homeland Security Act of 2002 established the Cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and created the position of Homeland Security”
The idea of securing the nation’s borders and securing the safety of the citizens has been a major topic since the beginning of the nation’s existence. There have always been means and procedures for it but it was never defined to the point it is today. The Homeland Security Department is a fairly new program which is constantly improving and adjusting in accordance to the threats that may arise. In the attempt to secure the United States, homeland security has become paramount and a lot of emphasis is being provided so as to ensure the safety of the borders and the citizens of the United States. So one must ponder what the difference between homeland security and homeland defense are since they both tend to mean the same
Homeland security is a state agency that is entrusted with ensuring that the local population within the USA borders is all safe at all times and this includes adequate preparation for any emergency, safety of each member of the community during and after an emergency. The jurisdiction of the Homeland security is quite wide, ranging from border security, aviation safety, emergency response, cyber security as well as chemical facility safety among many others. There are a wide range of duties within this department. But the goal is one, that of keeping America safe (U.S Department of Homeland Security, 2011). This has been and will continue to be one of the core concerns of America in the next five or so years. Without the safety of the American population during disasters, then the homeland security shall have failed in executing their duties.
The United States Homeland Security has set rules that impact the future of its citizens. Homeland Security partners with our federal, state, and local law enforcements to fight against crime. They have a set list of common core roles such as the following: to prevent terrorism and enhancing security, secure and manage our borders, enforce and administer our immigration laws safeguard and secure cyberspace, and ensure resilience to disasters. To keep with these goals they provide several employment opportunities. Although some neighboring countries may present serious threats with the participation and honesty of the United States citizens homeland security is able to take control and prevent issues from occurring.
The role of Department of Homeland Security in general is to make United States a safe place for its people. This involves passing laws and writing new policies, fighting crimes, and preventing terrorism, among other complex issues. Homeland Security is about safety and protecting the freedom we are accorded as citizens. Some of the works that Homeland Security specialized on are in these areas; Cybersecurity, Counterterrorism, Immigration and Border
The vision of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is “to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards” (United States Department of Homeland Security, 2015). To achieve this vision, DHS has developed five core missions these are, “to prevent terrorism and enhance security, to secure and manage US borders, to ensure and administer immigration laws, to safeguard and secure cyberspace, and to ensure resilience to disasters.”
By breaking down the two key words, security and defense, you find how each of these items are married together. Security and defense are to very similar words, one you are securing a given item and the other you are defending. So, wouldn’t you think that homeland defense and homeland security would be the same? You would, but they are not. Homeland defense is the of its self is the infrastructure used to defend us against any sort of external threat. Whereas Homeland Security is the strategy that is used with to combat these sort of things. It goes without saying that the primary mission of homeland security and defense, is to protect the citizens of the United States of America. Within the mission is the tasks, and each individual department has its own specific task. Now, with the specific task comes specific duties, responsibilities, and operations. From personal experience, most operations of within the homeland security/defense real are in some way, shape, or form joint operations. Now each individual knows their specific tasks, duty, and responsibility. Take for example the current situation in New York City and Elizabeth, New Jersey, you have on the ground investigating, the local law enforcement agencies, the ATF, the FBI, and Homeland Security agents. Each agency has their own job and their own input on what needs to be done while on scene. Here is simple breakdown of those task, the local law enforcement agents are first own the scene. They are going to