
Dependency In The Hunger Games, By Suzanne Collins

Decent Essays

Duong 1
Judy Duong
Jackson Bliss
Writing 39B
2 November 2014
In a competition where people have to compete against each other, is it possible for a person to win without any help from others? Or people would have to depend on others to survive? In the book “The Hunger Games”, by Suzanne Collins, the main character Katniss was chosen from district 12 to compete against 23 other contestants to death, the last person to survive will be the winner and will be crowded as “The Hunger Games” winner and they will be rewarded with foods. This is not the first time Katniss puts herself at risk, in her daily life Katniss has to go hunting illegally in order to keep her family from hunger. In this book the author finds that intelligent …show more content…

Rue was one of the contestants in the game with Katniss but since they have a good relationship ever since they’ve met, Rue saved Katniss from the other contestants when Katniss was trapped in a tree above the enemies who had weapons; “If she’d wanted me dead, all she would have had to do was disappear from that tree without pointing out the tracker jacker nest” (208). This shows that without the help from Rue, Katniss would have already been dead; Katniss needed the dependence from Rue and this was showed when how Rue pointed out to Katniss that something went unseen to her. On the other hand, Katniss showed that individual cannot survive without help from others but they can also be the person that is being depended on. The good relationship between Katniss and Rue is benefiting both sides of how Rue and Katniss decided to share the foods that they had gained, “Before I leave I make sure Rue’s well stocked with food and matches” (213). The kindness from the two individuals is helping both of them to survive in the game. Another way that illustrates how Katniss is depending on others for survival is Katniss’s relationship with Peeta. Peeta is one of the competitors in the games but he secretly loves Katniss and without him Katniss may have not been able to make

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