
Describe The World You Come Analysis

Decent Essays

Daisy Hernandez
September 30

Prompt: Describe the world you come from‒ for example, your family, community or school‒ and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.
I was 4 years old when I got a phone call home only to find out that my dad was never coming home again. It was this moment that changed everything, from that point on my mother would be on her own raising her two children. I remember my mom telling us we were going to have to move from the house I grew up in because we could no longer afford it, I couldn't stop crying, I insisted on staying but my mother kept saying no. We moved about 3 times until we finally moved into a stable home but because of our economic situation we were forced to rent with others.
Ever since my parents divorced, my mother had to work two jobs to be able to pay the bills. She basically worked all day, and I was only able to see her for a little during the night, during the day me and my brother would have to stay with our aunt. I never once saw my mom cry or want to give up because of …show more content…

Although the hardships me and my family went through when I was younger, my brother being in Juvenile Hall made me learn a lot about the person I wanted to be when I was older. I learned that I wanted to work with troubled teens and wanted to be the person that can help guide them in the right direction. His Senior year of high school he eventually set himself straight and graduated being the first person in my entire family to graduate, this was a moment where my mom felt that everything she did for us was worth it, I was also proud because our family would tell my mother how she did a horrible job in raising us and we were going to grow up to be

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