
Description Of Field Placement : A Group Of Caring Men And Women Essay

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Description of Field Placement 1/2
In 1977, a group of caring men and women in Imperial County called a community meeting to discuss the problem of domestic violence, which was just then beginning to receive public attention. The dedicated people who attended that first organizational meeting worked rapidly and soon founded the non-profit organization WomanHaven, Inc. They have since changed the agency’s name and now operate as The Center for Family Solutions. Our mission is to promote and provide a comprehensive response to domestic violence, stalking and human trafficking through Community Outreach & Education, Prevention, Intervention, Client Support Services; and Safety and Shelter Services. Agency’s mission is to implement domestic violence, stalking and human trafficking best practices and model programs which incorporate state mandates for effective and efficient quality service in increasing awareness and decreasing the episodes of domestic violence in the communities of Imperial County, California (CFS, 2016).
Client Information 1/2
Client is 30 years old, Hispanic single female with three children. Client reports that she was raised in a Christian home, however she also reports that as an adult she attends Catholic Church once a month. In addition, client states that she was in an abusive relationship for 3 years and thus she is a domestic violence victim and offender. Currently, client lives in a shelter. The use of a Mini-Mental Status Exam helped to screen

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