
Description Of My Favorite Teacher

Decent Essays

My favorite teacher is my Family Home Consumer Science Teacher and Parenting Skills Teacher is Mrs. Asia Holley she is the best teacher. She is happily married, and though she has no children, she is the closet a student will get to a mother figure at school. She has a way with words and is so comforting that students, and at times faculty members, cannot help but to come and confide in her. She is a very spiritual woman which makes sense since her husband is a pastor. She has the potential to make any subject that seems extremely boring to some, very appealing to all through her enthusiasm and dedication to helping her students. Going to her class was something everyone was eager to do and not dreadful like I would do most of my other classes. Such as, me not being in a good mood just because i know my other classes were not as interesting as Mrs. Asia Holley’s class. She was very joyous about every lesson she taught which made class sort of awkward, but funny to watch. It was obvious that she was getting excited because she would start bouncing up and down anxiously. She has this silky hair (salt with very light pepper hair) that she adores a lot, and her hair has very nice, tight curls sometimes at the end that bounces up and down as she move along the classroom like hundreds of majestic bunnies in an open field. Then, she took on roles of becoming the character or personality she is teaching about, doing the role, movement, and parading up and down the room. I became a cheerleader in 2015 which was surprising to everyone because I did not really like meeting new people or working out. However, cheering was more than that it was about sisterhood, teamwork and becoming leaders. Mrs. Asia Holley, she was the Dean of Cheerleaders with the responsibility of making sure we did not get into any arguments or fights, taught us how to be leaders, and basically was a mentors to us and like everything else she did it with no hesitation and with love. Friday night games she would sometimes prepare everyone meals because most parents worked long hours and not everyone could afford to eat out every friday night. This made me feel as helpless as a baby. Mrs. Asia Holley does not think too highly of herself; therefore,

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