
Descriptive Essay About Cars

Decent Essays

Most people hate car trips with family. I think car rides can be entertaining for a little bit but after being in the car for a long time people start to get restless and irritated easily. One time my mother and two sisters and my three friends and their mother drove down to Florida and went on a cruise to the Bahamas. It took about seventeen hours to get to Florida. There were eight people in a cramped car for hours on end. My mother and and her friend Becky got tickets for a four day cruise ship that leaves from Florida to the Bahamas for about two hundreds dollars a person. We had to drive from Indiana to Florida . We left at midnight on a cold January day so most of the car ride was spent sleeping. We left so early because we wanted to make it to the cruse on time and have some extra time to site see. I got to sit in the very back with Mike and Grace. My older sister Brittani, younger sister Lily and Caleb sat in the middle row of seats. We had packed a bunch of snacks and drinks for the trip because we didn’t want to have to stop every time someone got hungry or thirsty. When everyone started waking up people started to fight over food and being close to each other, everyone was very peevish when they woke up. It was getting warmer in the cramped car, everyone was getting uncomfortable. On the way down to Florida we drove through Atlanta, Georgia, where AMC filmed the first couple episodes of the show “The Walking Dead.” We finally got to Florida at four in the

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