
Descriptive Essay About Christmas Day

Decent Essays

JBoxing Day

The aftermath of Christmas day still littered the dining room floor. A sea of red, green and Disney princess wrapping paper. The stockings were still hung along the stair case, they didn’t fit on the fireplace. Each one hung empty, though the excitements of the previous day still lingered. I sluggishly picked myself out of my bed and walked toward my little sisters room. I could hear their small voices calling for me to help them out of their cribs. I lifted each twin out and onto the wooden floor. As their small feet hit the floor they dashed for the stairs out of pure anticipation for the exciting day ahead. I held their small hands as they climbed down the stairs precariously. First up today was to take all our Christmas gifts up to our bedrooms to save our mum from going ballistic about already broken toys.

We had a military operation on our hands, as my dad likes to say. We had to get all six kids plus pregnant mum into the car and to our booked table at the family reunion in Alsager. Without any unexpected trips to the emergency room. We packed up our things successfully and got the living room back to an acceptable standard. Each child now had to get ready, the house turned to mayhem really fast. I helped my sisters into their dresses and put their hair into braids and curls. My mum dressed my baby brother, and before we knew it we were putting on our North Face fleece jackets and were climbing into our Mercedes van. My parents refused

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