
Descriptive Essay About My Family

Decent Essays

“Caio, Caio, Caio” Everyone says as I enter through the old crumbling door into the main room. The tomato and basil smells from the kitchen make their way to my nose. “Come va?” “Sembri proprio tuo padre!” Everyone is screaming to tell me something and then my grandmother screams “Okay, that’s enough!” Silence swept the room. Everyone was gathered around like they were ready for a ceremony. With red cheeks and sweat running down his face, my grandfather introduced everyone. Every person coming up and kissing me on each cheek. The small stuffy room smelled like pasta and only had one window for enough light to shine through to see the mustiness in the room. It was an only house with crosses up in every room. All of the family is Catholic and it showed immensely through their personalities. Everyone broke up and spread throughout the creaky old house.
It was late in the afternoon with the sun beating down on the house like a warm summer day. Today I was going to learn how to make fresh pasta and gravy. Gravy was the Italian way of saying spaghetti sauce. My grandmother starts with a prayer to thank God for the food we have and the family around us. Prayer is the best way to receive what you want whether that is a good meal or a miracle. The making of the pasta begins and there are ingredients being thrown everywhere like a game of catch. Into a bowl goes flour, salt, eggs, with a little bit of oil and water. My grandmother needs the dough with her soft hands into a perfectly

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