When it is my turn to become a bride, I will search until I find a man like my grandfather. He is a loyal husband, caring father, and very good at spoiling his grandchildren. He greets you with a sweet hello and leaves you with a kiss on the cheek goodbye. He focuses on making every day a great one and spreading love to everyone he meets. He is very special to many people even though he is just an ordinary man. What makes him stand out the most is his love for God, love for his family, and the hard work he does on a daily basis.
Larry Jackson was born in 1941 and grew up in Rush Springs, Oklahoma. He often fought with his sister Suzie at night to decide who would be doing the dishes after dinner. One of his greatest memories growing up was stopping by after a long day at school to visit his grandfather, whom he called Pappy. Together they would drink Coca Cola with peanuts in the bottom. When he found out he was going to have a grandchild, Larry wanted to be called Pappy because of his respect and great memories of his grandfather. On Saturday afternoons, Pappy would walk to the movie theater with a quarter in his pocket and his mind set on how he would sneak in numerous movies with one ticket. He would spend a dime to watch a movie. Then use the rest of his money to buy a bag of buttery popcorn and an ice-cold Coca Cola.
Not all of his childhood memories were happy. His father was not always nurturing and supportive during his youth and childhood. As he got older he
The Romney-Ryan campaign presents its advertisement Strong America as an appeal to logos, which is intended to convince its audience by reasoned argument. In conformance with the teachings of Jib Fowles in his “Advertising’s 15 Basis Appeals”, the political advertisement is, really, though, an appeal to pathos or its audience’s more easily moved passions. If the ad makes any ethos appeals at all, these appeals are co-opted as subtleties or subliminal suggestions within its more overwhelming overt pandering. Strong America was released in wake of the Obama administration’s proposal that draconian cuts be made to the U.S. military budget. The ads arguments are broadly directed at the general electorate and, more, specifically, towards its
June 16th 1964, that’s the day my father was born… March 2nd 2010, that’s the day my father passed. My dad Elan Prystowsky, was the most hard working, caring, funny, awesome person in any way shape or form. Most people take death as a very sad time and as a very serious time. Well, when my father passed I was only ten and my sister was only seven, we didn’t know what cancer was, we didn’t know why he came home once a week and we didn’t know why his head was all of the sudden bald from “treatment”. For a ten year old this is a lot to process, a lot to understand, and most certainly a lot to cope with. Growing up without a father figure in the house has always been tough but everyone has to find a way to manage and a way to adapt to new things.
In the history of the United States, the 2016 election cycle is the 57th presidential election, yet it could be the strangest of them all. In contrast, the 2012 election between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney was a relatively tame and mundane election. It was decided by two elements, just as the 2016 election will be decided by. Choice, both by the media and the candidates is one ingredient to determine the outcome of elections. Chance similarly affects election outcomes, though chance deals with environmental factors which candidates cannot control. First, I will briefly explore Sides and Vavreck’s theory in The Gamble. After exploring their theory, I will use their theory to look at the 2016 Democratic primary and assess whether or not it is useful when applied to primaries or if the theory only pertains to the general election. Finally, I will then apply their theory to the 2016 general election to predict the most likely outcome where Hilary Clinton is the next president of the United States. Looking at Sides and Vavreck’s theory and applying it to the current electoral environment, it will become clear that Hilary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination for president and subsequently the general election as well to become the first female president of the United States.
There have been countless influential people in my life that I’ve come across. One who was a meticulous inspiration continues to be my grandfather. My grandmother had remarried to the one I call “grandpa” when I was at the age of five, and they both took to each other’s grandchildren as their own. With my mother and me only living a mile down the road from their farmhouse out in the country, I’d spent heaps amount of time there as a child. Indeed, I had been without a father but my grandfather stepped up to the plate and had taken me under his wing and willingly played the personification of a father figure.
I have an abundance of grotesque, yet, barely visible memories of childhood. However, no breathtaking family trips, no unique family togetherness that taught a moral lesson, no abnormal holidays. We still ate family meals together, but most often the children and adults lived in different worlds. When I needed comforting or wanted the best of both worlds, I could turn to my Grandpa.
I think the person who has had the most profound effect on my life besides my parents is my grandfather. I never realized before how much of an effect he had on my interests and goals for the future. Years ago, he used to tell me stories about historical events and experiences he had fighting in Vietnam and my great grandfather fighting in World War 2. His vivid descriptions always made it so interesting and, in some cases, more light-hearted than what actually happened. To this day he still has more stories to tell me, and never fails to captivate my interest. In doing this, he opened my eyes to my biggest interest, history, and encouraged me to pursue this interest throughout school. I feel like it would help to give a short summary of his life and how it affected me.
“I can’t believe that’s true!” I exclaimed, my laughter echoing through the room. My grandpa and I had been chatting on the phone for the past half an hour. You would imagine a man his age would be boring and dull. However, he was quite the joker. At least with me, since I was, of course, his favorite granddaughter.
Have you ever had a hero in your life, someone that is always there for you when you need them? I did, I called him "my dad." My dad was the only person that could make me laugh when I was feeling down. My dad was that person who had so much love for his family. My dad was the person who I could call and he'd always pick up. My dad was the person who would drop everything just to help me. My dad was the biggest hero in my life and to this day, still is.
At just over five feet tall, she was the kind of woman that you saw on the street and knew to move out of her way. Her demeanor was strict, her hands tied with thick blue veins, crisscrossing over her thin, frail fingers.
All movies have three parts, a beginning, middle, and end. This movie I’m going to share with you is no different, except this movie plays in my head every time I think about Papa. Even though I was so young I remember every day spent with Papa as if there is a movie reel going round and round in my head. Let me take you into this movie that I call life, so you too can experience Papa as I had.
The image I have chosen is my grandfather blessing an excerpt from my uncle’s mural in San Antonio. The mural can be seen from the highway on the side of a laundromat. The mural is called “Insomne de Amor” and was finished in 1999, then restored in 2009. All the realistic images on the mural are of my family. When the mural was in the process of being restored, my uncle had staged photos of us taken that he then turned into graphics before they were painted on the wall. The excerpt is of my grandfather wrapping his arms around my sister and I as we look up to him. He is wearing a superman shirt and has the sun haloing around his head radiating light to the rest of the mural. When the mural unveiled to the public there was a ceremony and to end holy water was handed out so those in attendance could bless the mural. A photo was taken my grandfather choosing to bless the faces of my sister and I rather than himself. This picture was the one chosen when an article about the mural was written in the local paper, and is the first result when the mural is searched on the internet. The depiction on the mural and the photo taken at the unveiling is how I know my grandpa to be—selfless and radiating.
When I think of my Papa many things come to mind, but one of the most important is how loving he is. He is a tall man, about six feet tall and is in good shape. He has a silver-colored hair and an infectious smile. He is very joyful and loves to crack jokes with his family and friends. His real name is Tony Morton, but he is lovingly known as Papa to me as well as his 3 other grandchildren. Papa was born January 14th of 1947 in Concord, North Carolina to Paul and Della Morton. He grew up in the neighboring town of Kannapolis. Papa still lives near the same area that he was raised.
From the moment we found out my sister was pregnant with her first my dad, a kind
The first time I met him it was a hot humid day with the sun blazing down on all four of us in late september. My sister’s face was beaming proudly as she finally introduced us to her new boyfriend as he stepped around the front of his maroon truck. It was just the four of us in the large parking lot next to the quarter mile two story school that lianna and I went to. He was tall, a bit lanky but also muscular. My first impression doesn’t give him much credit to the man he is today but he gave a firm handshake and pretended not to notice when Lianna and I gave McKenna looks of approval which just added to the reasons to shoot McKenna looks of approval making her blush.
As I sat down at my kitchen counter on Sunday night, I was texting one of my friends and I asked what they were doing, they responded by saying that they were typing up their interview. I suddenly realized that I hadn’t done my interview yet! I scrambled to my parents room to ask my dad if i could interview him for an English project. Thankfully, he groggily agreed to be interviewed. As I sat down on my parents couch across from their bed I realized that I didn’t know all about my dad’s college experiences, and I was grateful to get to know him a little bit more. My Dad is precisely the type of person that I want to be when i am older. Except I don't want to be bald, definitely not that, but besides that he has a lot of outstanding qualities that I also would like to have. He works hard, loves his family, values education and helping other people, and he did a lot of similar activities that I do today. My father’s name is Stephen Hammarstrom, he was born in Hayward California and then a bit later in his life moved to Manteca California, he currently works at Fremont Rideout.