
Descriptive Essay : Beach Kisses : The Middle Of Summer

Decent Essays

Beach kisses It was the middle of summer and we were at the beach, as people are in the summer. We all have our swimsuits on and where all cooling off, except for Kaileigh who refused to go in past her knees. Hana and Kylin were splashing each other mercilessly and I was just wading in the water, spectating this all out water war. After a few more attacks, I notice someone step onto the sand, Aiden, my long time crush. I stare at him for slightly too long and he looks at me with his alluring, ice blue eyes. Feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks, I turn back to the water variation of World War 1 and it seems the two have come to a truce. I hear a fair amount of noise behind me, I turn to see Aiden and his friends preparing to to get in the water. All five of the fit boys remove their sandals, hats and finally shirts. Aiden yells some inaudible phrase to his friends and speeds towards the water. “He's grown his hair out since I last saw him ” I think to myself as I get lost in the beautiful scene of him running to the water, a sweet smile on his face and his hair trailing behind him slightly. I enjoy this until Kaileigh gets up from her spot on the sand and gets in the water to shake my shoulder. “Alyssa, you're drooling,” she says, attempting to hide a fit of laughter, but failing miserably. I try to laugh off my embarrassment, but to no avail. Then Hana ever so gracefully walks over to me and whispers… “Ravioli, Ravioli, give hi-” I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth which she then continues to lick, making me move my hand and wipe it on her back. We all laugh at this until I hear my stomach rumble. Out of courtesy, I say, “I'm gonna grab some ice cream, do you guys want anything?” “Unless they have frozen yogurt, I’ll pass,” Kylin says in a sour tone, I discard this because I know she's just being weird. “I’m good,” Hana and Kaileigh said in unison, they stare at each other for a good while until they look away slightly embarrassed. I giggle at this and walk over to the icecream truck stationed at the restrooms, grabbing my purse along the way. That was a good idea, I think to myself as I go to wait in line, but stop dead in my tracks. Aiden was at the end of the line. I step nervously to

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