Descriptive Essay: My Room
My room’s door is painted with Brown Color. It has some scratches at the bottom because of my little brother drawing and scraping it with his pencil colors and also. My German Shepard taps on the door when he wants to hang out with me. I have a poster in my room that is filled with memorable memories of me with my family. That poster is hanged on a wall with a nice frame, colored in brown that matches the color of the dressing mirror in my room. My room is painted with crystal white paint. Narrative Essay: Our First time at Disneyland
It was a summer time hot and sunny day, when I finally took my brother and Parents to Disneyland. My brother Hargun ceaselessly asked me to show him the paradise of many children, with Mickey Mouse
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People that are getting bullied and people that are bullying are both wrong. People that are getting bullied should step up too. For example, if i am getting bullied and do not take any action on it that means I am just letting it happen to me. Cyber bullying is extremely bad because you do not know the person you are talking to like for instance a lot of people have committed suicide because of cyberbullying. For example, If I don't even know the person than I would try to find out who the person is and take further steps …show more content…
Being rich does not mean that you get everything is set up for a person by their family like their parents. Being rich also teaches you a lot of things of maintaining or improving your parent's business or their work. A lot of rich people have it easy for them and that is the main reason they don’t appreciate the work done for them and tend to loose it. Living in poverty gives you life lessons and a person have to start from bottom whereas for rich people don’t have to work hard because of their family or
Analysis There are several biblical concepts found in the Lion King however, this essay will be focusing on the correlation in the Lion King and the prodigal son. Simba, the main character in the lion king can be compared to the wayward son in the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. In the opening scene, we encounter Simba as a baby cub when he is presented to all the animals in Pride Land. Simba literally grows up in front of us, three different actors represent Simba namely, young Simba, teenage Simba and adult Simba.
Blood, sweat, and tears college athletes shed day in and day out on the field, court, and track without any compensation for their hard work; even with the fact that college sports brings in a lot of revenue for universities. Also these athletes are not only athletes but students meaning they have to keep a certain grade point average to play. 1 College athletes deserve to be paid since they bring in the most money for universities, their hard work and having to balance being a student-athlete.
Bullies start at a young age and carry on, this helps them feel good about what they are doing and who they are as a person. The only way to make a difference and try to stop bullying and cyberbullying is if the parents are there to help. “Parents of bullies are advised to take the problem seriously, looking for the causes of anger or frustration, letting them know that hurtful behavior will not be tolerated, supervising their behavior more closely, “punishing”bullying with positive acts toward others and teaching nonviolent ways of solving problems.” (PERSONAL HEALTH pg. 3) This illustrates that not only the school and parents but the community to must collaborate to control bullying. Parents need to supervise their children on social media and all places in their life, until the children can understand that this is not okay and that we can stand up to bullying. Bullying and cyberbullying can lead to serious causes to the victims and everyone around them. “It is found that children who bully are at risk for engaging in more serious violent acts, like fighting frequently and carrying weapons.” (PERSONAL HEALTH pg.) This proves that the actions of the bullies are long term effects. If someone is to hurt themselves or one another because of how someone made them feel not only will those certain people be hurting inside but the other family and friends in their lives. All of this combined shows that people do bully and
Bullying is wrong. We need to stop the hate, whether it's anonymous online or harmful in person, it's wrong and it needs to end. Bullying is a long lasting issue that is harmful to others.
Being rich is all purchasing power; I don’t think that being rich should determine one’s character. Some folks are rich and stay to their own kind, but then you have some rich folks that feel that money is just money and will associate with the less fortune. I think about how my parents afforded me with all the latest technology, shoes, clothes, etc. And then I would see
Being very rich or very poor makes you experience things that an average middle class person would not. An example of this is throwing away items that are still perfectly fine, “The student does not know that, and since it is Daddy’s money, the student decides not to take a chance” (Eighner). These kinds of people don’t have to deal with the problem. If you are very poor, you are exposed to certain things that force you to see the things people throw away, such as “rotten” food, which is completely fine, but the previous owner didn’t want to even bother with it. There is a large extent of what people don’t want in their life. For people who are very rich, there is an even larger extent of things that they can buy, everything is so easily accessible to them. Basically, these people don’t w orry about material things, due to the
Terrified beyond belief as I fall, i hit the carpet with a soft thud, and turn enough to see you stand to your mesmerizing full height, laughing. You turn away, and I can practically hear your footsteps boom as you step to the counter, grab my wallet, and leave, closing the seemingly mile-tall door shut. Alone, in carpet fibers up to my knees, I stay still. You'll come back, right? I wonder.* PRINCESS!!!! *I shout out, and I wait, as the light slowly fades from the room, and all that is left to illuminate your bedroom is the light flooding in from a crack in the door to the bathroom that you absent mindedly left on getting ready to go out. That, and the soft glow of your laptop, up on your computer desk. You were serious. I was alone.*
Imagine that becoming wealthy were simply a matter of choice. Imagine that you could merely choose to be wealthy and it would happen. Well, there's no need to imagine it. This is reality. You have to choose to be wealthy. The simple fact is that many people choose poverty over wealth. Too be clear, the choice is not a deliberate or conscious one but rather it's a subconscious decision to be poor rather than wealthy. It is decision that is made and reinforced every day as they make choices that lead them further into poverty and farther away from wealth. Many people have simply resigned themselves to a life of poverty and have gotten to the place where they simply do not believe that life could be different.
My dorm room is a rectangular room with beds on the opposite sides. On one side there is room for two closets with long mirrors that are used as doors. Between the two beds on the side opposite the closets are two desks that are covered with papers, water bottles, notebooks and pens. In the midde of the room sits a black flimsy square card table, covered with a stack of dirty plates and a binder. There are posters hung up around the room, a women’s division three national championships poster, a periodic table, an american flag, and various photos of friends and family. The walls and ceiling are white and the floor is carpeted, with a matrix of various grey rectangles. There is a central lamp in the middle of the ceiling that illuminates the room and the blinds keep the rest of the light out.
Do you think bullying is bad? Well, 4,500 kids commit suicide due to cyber bullying each year! According to a study by the University of New Hampshire, one out of every 17 kids in the United States, mostly teenagers, has been either threatened or harassed online. Most of those cases involved rumors, abuse, or other bad behavior. I think these bullies should be punished, because they cause physical, and emotional harm.
Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. Parents may remember when they were kids and the bully would pick on them or their friends by stealing lunch money or just getting beat up, and that was the end of it. The victims remember the hurt, frustration, and sadness it caused. However, these days, bullying is not just happening on the playground or at the bus stop, it is happening on the Internet and on cell phones, making it possible to bully a child 24 hours a day with multiple bullies and thousands of kids watching. Cyberbullying follows children nonstop and into the safety of their house. Sometimes kids are afraid to inform their parents about the cyberbullying that they will think its there fault. Or that their parents will call the bullies parents or other parents, making the bullying worse. However, the effect and pain that comes from cyberbullying is real. People underestimate cyberbullying, just because it is happening online and not in person. Cyberbullying can lead to many different factors like drinking, and drugs, poor grades, depression, eating disorders. Many students have even taken their own lives because of another student saying something to them online. Cyberbullying has been taking place a lot more in middle and high schools because of the increased usage of social media networks and technology. Cyberbullying is worse and more harmful than traditional bullying.
Most rooms fit to people’s personality and what they think is the best for them. I was searching ideas on how to recreate my room, and I finally found the best theme for me and how it fit my personality. The room contains four walls, that are joined together, in a rectangle shape. My room is the biggest one in the house, no not because I wanted this room, but because I shared it with my older sister. No the room is all mine. Two the walls that are opposite of each other are painted “Peppered Pecan” which is a brown color, that I love so dearly. The other two walls are painted just plain white. If dressers could talk they would tell me how much they love the color they are painted. Distressed, with brown as the base coat, and an off white at the top, then sanded, to make the old fashion look to them. There knobs are brassy which stands out, from the off white. Plants just bring a happy vibe to people, which this plant does to me, with its rough stem and long green leaves, just something about it. Windows are
My room has many characteristics of which I share; it has many pictures that I have taken, about my friends or other interesting things that I have found. It is the only place that I can make my own, I can be creative and decorate
Right now, my room is very childish. The colors in my room are very vibrant. My walls are a bright blue and the shelves in my room are orange, pink and neon green. My comforter has all of those colors in a straight line pattern. It helps to connect my entire room together, but it is time for a makeover. The only thing staying the same in my room are the closets because they are a great storage area. Since the closets are added on to the shape of the room, they do not take away from the space. I want my room to be a place that is relaxed and comfy, but also a place where my friends and I can hang out. To complete this goal, I am using a grey color on my walls to create a relaxed feeling. I am making my room feel more grown up with a more neutral look and a bedspread as my accent.
In the corner you can see the fairies and pixies fighting over the pizza i was eating yesterday which is infact my favourite food. The design of the rooms is very unique like everything has been put in a place for a reason. The oldest think i can remember here is the sofa which i bought 2 years ago. I remember when we first bought it, the smile on my face and the arguing between my dad and brother. "Go left, Go left" he would yell. Ahh good times. It used to be clean but the constant food i would eat on it could have changed that. Like most teenagers i have many posters on my walls mostly of role models that I admire, favourite teams and a few cute girls here and there. The most visible thing here is probably the red carpet that covers the bedroom as far as your eyes can see. In the corner of my bedroom is my desk which I normally do all of my homework and assignments, On top of it sat my computer which is always on. My previous desk somehow broke and