
Descriptive Essay On Dracula

Decent Essays

BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAY: VLAD III DRACULA Vlad III Dracula was born in the year 1431 in Târgovişte, Transylvania. Sighişoara, Transylvania, but it is not certain that Vlad III was born there, but his father, Vlad II Dracul, owned a residence there. Dracula was the second child born out of four brothers born into the noble family of Vlad II Dracul. Vlad III’s nickname, Dracula, simply means “son of Dracul”. The family received this surname after Dracula’s father was inaugurated into the Order of the Dragon that was the Defense for Christian Europe. Vlad III’s father, Vlad II owned a residence in In 1436, Dracula moved to Wallachia after his father became leader of the Wallachian principality. In 1442, Vlad and his sibling were delivered to and imprisoned by Murad II, who represented the Ottoman Sultan. The two boys were imprisoned in Tokat Castle in northern Turkey, for the purpose of being collateral to affirm that their father would cooperate with Ottoman laws and policies to the sultan. Six years later, Vlad would return to Wallachia where he would discover that his father and older brother had been assassinated the year before by Wallachian nobles. The assassination was the beginning of a lifelong, excruciating, era of Dracula. Vlad began his quest for reacquiring the seat of his father. Not only were the Wallachian nobles his enemy, but his younger brother was as well because he was assisted by the Ottoman sultan. In 1448, Vlad had a two month period of success before

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