
Descriptive Essay On Hyde Day

Decent Essays

Rays of sunlight beamed down on my black car as it sat it the gravel parking lot awaiting my arrival. As I opened the door, a wave of scorching hot air radiated out like a blow-drier. However, I had become accustomed to the unbearable summer heat. As I sat down in the driver’s seat, I took a breath, only to realize that the air was suffocatingly hot, so hot in fact, that I had to get out in order to cool off. At the time, I was assessing my emotions as this was the last time I would ever be at Camp Ernst, a place that I had been going to for over eight years. However, after four weeks of supervising ten rambunctious seven year olds, I needed time to recuperate. Following a few minutes with the windows down, I set off for home. My tires squealed as I floored it out of the exit, leaving two black streaks on the aging pavement. I felt invincible. If I can persevere through four weeks of kindergarten-hell, I can survive anything, right? Completely disregarding all posted speed limits, I set sped on. As I arrived in Hyde Park, my neighborhood, I glanced around at the scene that surrounded me: Green trees, brilliantly colored flowers, a slight smog-haze, and a amount of people. The beauty of the scene that encompassed me brought me immense joy. “Today is an absolute, perfect day! I hope I can enjoy it with my friends and family!” I thought to myself. It was looking like this day was shaping up to be s great one. I could not hold in my excitement to catch up with my

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