As we just arrived in Washington my legs felt uncomfortable once I up from waiting for a joyful time. I’ve been lingering all day for this moment, a tremendous time with my friends and spend time with my mother. I was curious, the colorful amazement of the city. It was the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen. My group reunited around me like I was a king. My group contained two of my friends. Priscilla, and David were both in the group, so was my mother. We trotted to the bench seats to eat our lunch, hundreds of people gathered around without a bench. We were lucky to get a seat. We ate our delicious, tasty lunch. Which consumed of a bag of Doritos, Lunchable, a Coke, and Takis. Birds were flying around us, like a tornado trying to steal our scrumptious, delicious food. After we ate our lunch, we met up with Jacob’s group. …show more content…
My group spread out, like ants trying to grab food. David and I trotted to the extreme flight simulator. Our group members glared at the amazing flying airplanes in the sky. I paid the lady for our tickets. Once we arrived in the simulator I was screaming at the top of my lungs. We flipped upside down, it felt the blood rushing to my head. He flipped over on the side. Then turned upside down again. My goal was to try to shoot the airplanes in the air with my gun. I only killed 4 airplanes. After the ride I soon got sick and felt like a disaster. We met back up with Jacob’s group and went upstairs to look some more. There was an uproar of kids which was unbelievable. There must of been thousands of kids standing in line for a gift shop. Our group walked back downstairs to look some more. We soon left the Space Museum and headed straight into the gorgeous most magnificent city I’ve ever
In October of 2014, there was plenty of buzz floating around the state of Missouri. This buzz was all due to baseball. At the time, the two Missouri Major League Baseball teams were still alive: the Stt. Louis Cardinals and the Kansas City Royals. Both teams in their respective League Championship Series. The buzz soon came to an end however as the Cardinals failed to move on however as the San Francisco Giants defeated them 4 games to 1. It was the anticipation, however, of a possible “I-70” World Series matchup that was undeniable. The thought of the biggest baseball event and sporting event in the world coming down to 2 teams from the state of Missouri. However, this unimaginable sporting event has already happened.
As we waited for our food, I took to peering out the diner’s large storefront window that we seated ourselves next to and I people watched as the citizens of Mt. Harrison went on about their daily lives.
Living in the busy metropolitan area, it is easy to forget that we have unlimited natural beauty, that is the great outdoors, so close to home. Kansas City, Missouri is gifted with a plethora of hidden gems, all located within an hour drive. One such gem can be found in the historic riverside town of Parkville, Missouri.
I have only been at Marist for a few days, but the many experiences I have had here made me realize how fortunate I am to be a part of this community. One of my favorite parts of being at Marist, at least while the weather is nice, is walking to class. The view of the Hudson River with the hills in the background and the train sometimes passing by is like a scene from a painting. It is such an enormous difference from what I have been used to my whole life. Gone are the days of having four minutes to walk between classes trying to push between tons of people in cramped hallways. At Marist, there are lots of students outside walking to class, jogging, driving, or biking. I really like the freedom of the campus where everyone is doing their own thing. It sometimes feels like walking through Central Park.
A shadow casted itself over the tattered menu in Addison’s hand as she shifts her gaze to the figure standing over her. An overwhelming sensation embodies her as she meets the spellbinding green eyes that stare back. The bottle green eyes that dance with gold flecks were once her grounding point yet now look so alien. Her gaze drifts along his features, taking in each of them as though he was a painting she was seeing for the first time. A painting that had been so carefully crafted yet seemed so effortless with his slightly crooked nose and flawlessly tousled hair. A small smirk playfully tugs at the corner of his lips as he slides into the battered booth seat across from her.
As our plane landed, all I could see was green around the dirt landing strip. Trees, bushes, and tall grass crowded my view of the jeep that would take us to the cabins. We piled our duffel back in the back and drove off. Once my family and I arrived, the managers and staff all welcomed us. Everyone was so friendly! They showed us around where we would be staying for the next week; the view from our cabin was breathtaking. We could walk out of our cabin and an elephant would be standing less than 15 feet away eating leaves in the cool shade of the tree. The morning after we had arrived and were all settled in, we went on a game drive. We did not go on these game drives to kill, just to observe the animals in their natural habitat. Therefore,
Today I got the chance to visit a new community park in the Pacific Northwest. It happened to be on beautiful day during spring. As I was taking in the sights and there was a slight breeze that carried the scent of cut grass. The park looked so pristine, as if it had been landscaped with scissors. I chose a seat that was near the playground to eat my sack lunch. The sound of children throughout the park carried on the breeze. As I relaxed in the warmth, I finished my lunch slowly. The lunch was simple yet perfect for the moment. A turkey sandwich, with a few pepper slices to add some zing. I made a point to enjoy the serenity of it all, trying to forget about my worries of the day; what would be pressing tomorrow. The atmosphere that day seemed
The streets of North Attleboro were damp and dark while wet yellow leaves stuck to the sidewalks. My brother and I contested to blow clouds of cold breath highest into the dark sky. Running around trying not to slip onto the hard concrete our mother gave us our bags. Carrying my spiderman suitcase the doors to the hotel automatically split side to side. The soles of my shoes still wet with water I saw a boned dinosaur standing steadily over a pool. Wanting to jump into the pool my brother and I wanted to grab our swimsuits. My mother told us not until tomorrow while my sisters rolled there eyes for they were all extremely tired. Tomorrow seemed to be an eternity although the dinosaur would be waiting for me. Father walking over, checked us
Gunshots, screaming, thumping of footsteps, sweat, heavy-breathing, heat, cold, puking, nerves running crazy--all common sounds and feelings felt by a cross country athlete. Cross country is a nerve-racking sport, along with good times, and making relationships with teammates that will last a lifetime.
The field is bright green. The ball is dark brown. I walk through the tunnel and listen to the crowd cheer. Booming, banging, and bashing of pads. The salty taste of sweat running down your lips. Put it together and create the world's best sport, football.
The light to put our seatbelts on glowed as the captain spoke to us and flight attendants acted out safety instructions. At take-off my stomach was filled with butterflies, but I wasn't scared. My body was pushed into the seat but I pretended I was the captain of a fighter jet. When we were stable I discovered that flying wasn't that bad. And the ocean looked beautiful out the windows! I put on my CD player until the played the in-flight movie, Planet of the Apes. I didn't like it so I kept listening to my CD player all the way through dinner. I fell asleep but the sound of the captains voice woke me. He was telling us there was an hour left of the flight. Flight attendants asked us to stow away our bags and prepare for landing. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach again as I anticipated the landing. I felt the plane lose
As I walked out of the airport, the burst of hot humid air swept across my face. The sky was soft and clear, and the sun was shining brighter than nights stars. The streets were busy with traffic, it reminded me of Times Square. All around me, there were Coconut trees taller than 80 feet, with long rich green leaves that were used for shade. In the horizon, mountains hugged each other, as birds danced together in the distance. To my right, fellow passengers brushed by me in a rush to find their families, and reunite with loved ones. Strangers shuffled by me in every direction, in a hurry to get home. There were small shops on every corner, trying to sell anything from hand crafted jewelry to bottles of water. I looked around with awe, I couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. As I glanced to my left, a short older woman, about 5'2 with hair whiter than snow and skin bronzed by the sun, came running in my direction. She had a smile ear to ear and her arms were open wide. As she came closer I realized it was my grandmother. Once her arms wrapped
With the rest of my Boy Scout Troop we had decided to go to another high adventure camp, that year we had decided on Philmont. We had fundraised and earned money to be able to go pay for the train and have extra money to spend. After all, that was done, we were at the train station, I forgot my uniform which was embarrassing, but I was able to borrow one from a friend’s grandpa. We got on the first train it was a four hour ride to the next train station. After we got off that train we got some pizza thinking we had some time, but we didn’t have as much time as we thought as we were eating we heard our group being called. So we all scrambled up our stuff and hurried to get on the train. We got on the train and then we were on our last train to Philmont. After a long train ride we got off and put our stuff on a bus and stopped to get something to eat, then we got settled and slept in base camp for a night. Then after that we headed to the trail with our ranger Tanner, and that is where the craziness began.
I looked out onto what was left of the landscape before me one last time. I used to call this place home but it no longer resembles the one I used to know. “It’s funny how things can go from bad to worse in such a short amount of time” I thought to myself. What once used to be a beautiful blue sky full of puffy clouds shaped like anything that could be imagined was now grey and lifeless. The clouds are no longer white and puffy but dark and menacing. They are racing towards us with the impending storm. The buildings we are leaving behind are still tall and immaculate compared to the brown wasteland around them. There was no longer green in sight except for the vehicles and billboards.
The sun shone high, a little too high. Walking down the path of the Washington Monument in, quite obviously, Washington D.C., the Lincoln memorial looked bigger of an obstacle than my friends and I had thought it'd be. I made a grand mistake of wearing a heavy shirt; sweat was dripping in torrents down my neck. Elli and Kennedie, my greatest friends who always remained faithful, were walking somewhat a few paces in front of me. The heat was very unbearable, but Elli's mom, who lagged behind me more than 10 feet, had seemed to of taken the brunt of the heat.