
Descriptive Essay

Decent Essays

An NAU Date When living on campus choosing where to eat is tough. Choosing somewhere to impress a date is even harder. Living on North Campus has its perks; there is beautiful scenery, the building is older and full of history, plus you are close to a lot of classes and the student union. However, for those on North campus who don’t have a car and don’t plan on taking dates on buses, there are few options. One of those options is the 1899 Bar and Grill. Located right next to Morton/Campbell, 1899 is a bar and grill that provides finer dining than most eateries on Campus. From when you enter the establishment, you are greeted by a beautiful, historic atmosphere. From when you first walk in you are greeting with a carved 1899 symbol and a tasteful décor. The high ceilings, the artistic lighting, and the large windows all add to a classy atmosphere. There are historical pictures on the walls as well as a breathtaking stain glass window on display. The booths are cushioned just right and some of the wooden tables have elegant tree prints glossed over them. There is instrumental music or music with a slower beat. The music fits the setting of the restaurant perfectly. When being seated the hostess will ask your preference of table or booth. To make sure to get a table you can make a reservation ahead of time on their website. The website includes their history, a menu for lunch and dinner, happy hour menu, photographs, open and closing hours, and easy to book reservations.

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