
Desdemona's Jealousy In Othello

Decent Essays

The very man who was ever so kind and respectful to Desdemona, letting her speak for herself, now brutally orders her to go back to bed. On top of that, Emilia’s claims that Desdemona is innocent, Othello refuses to accept that it is true. Othello assumes, “She says enough; yet she’s a simple bawd/That cannot say as much. This is a subtle whore,/A closet lock and key of villainous secrets;/And yet she’ll kneel and pray. I have seen her do’t.” (IV.ii.19-22). At this point, jealousy has taken over. Othello completely disregards what Emilia has to say. Fabricating his own evidence, he is no longer the noble gentleman who let others speak of their perspective. He has already made his mind; he seeks to destroy Desdemona. Finally, without any questions …show more content…

One would think that Emilia, as a loyal friend to Desdemona, would comfort her and aid her in bringing her marriage back together. Instead, Emilia plays an extremely negative role concerning Othello and Desdemona’s matrimony. She tells Desdemona, “They are all but stomachs, and we all but food to eat us hungerly, and when they are full, they belch us” (3.4.99-101). Emilia’s response to Othello’s signs of jealousy is surprising, to say the least. She should be more determined to help Desdemona rather than criticize her and her marriage. Another negative remark Emilia makes is, “Ay. Would you had never seen him!” (4.3.17). Desdemona loves Othello and Emilia is saying that she wishes they had never met. This shows how Emilia is as a friend: unhelpful. It is fine for her to think that Desdemona made a mistake when marrying Othello, but she should move past that and focus on what Desdemona should do now. Emilia continues to attack Desdemona on the past, and does little to help. “Late in the play Lodovico speaks of Othello as a man held to be "all in all sufficient…Self-sufficient men should not need women. But as Othello demonstrates by self-righteously assigning Desdemona to a separate ship, self-sufficient men do need women—in order to prove that they can do without them”(Calderwood,30). In the end if Othello was truly all sufficient and did not need

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