
Destruction Of Black Bodies Analysis

Decent Essays

Black bodies have always been treated with unfairness ever since the days of slavery and even present day. Ta-Nehisi Coates portrays in his text the amount of equivalence and dignity blacks are shown in the United States. The destruction of black bodies were a very big deal in USA's early history. Coates grew up in Baltimore, known to be a very dark area back in the day. In addition his parents had a huge hand on his childhood, literally and figuratively. As Ta-Nehisi grew up, he began to understand that everything that the African Americans did in Baltimore, did it for a reason. Which also can explain how he would bring up his young son as well, but things took a change his mind when one of his classmates were killed by a policeman, for being black. Finding the disturbing news of his classmate’s death changed the perspective of Coates way of bringing up children.
Coates showed in his novel how many African Americans had an identity to be tough and gangster, which was an identity they used from harm. Parents were extremely strict on their children necessarily causing them to get a beating as well. Ta-Nehisi grew up to understand why African American parents did all of these acts, it was for their protection. After growing up and learning about all the ways to bring up children, …show more content…

Prince Jones was killed by a policeman. This was the most shocking news for Coates, knowing how well brought up Jones was, how much money and time his family put on him, for him to succeed. This news made him to realize, how black bodies in America showed no sign of value and respect. Also proving that you can be one of the most successful and well brought up African American, but still have an equal chance of of being a victim of racial violence, just like any other African American in the country. This makes him question, if he did take the right decision of the upbringing of his son and if his life can also be at

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