
Developing A Well Balanced Diet

Decent Essays

Although a well-balanced diet is essential for everyone, the elderly are especially susceptible to suffering with malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies. According to a survey that was conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 10 percent of the seniors living in residential communities are anemic (iron deficient). Senior care education related to diet and nutrition in conjunction with caregiver training may help reduce the number of iron deficient seniors living in residential facilities.
Malnutrition and Vitamin Deficiencies Within the Senior Community

While symptoms directly related to malnutrition are rarely seen in the elderly (e.g., scurvy), milder malnutrition symptoms are common. One in three of the millions of elderly patients admitted to the hospital each year are malnourished. Commonly seen symptoms of malnutrition include weight loss or weight gain, a general lack of interest and loss of appetite.

The Gerontological Society of America states that malnutrition can occur due to socioeconomic factors, including:

Financial concerns Poverty Functional limitations Bereavement Anxiety Depression Cognitive decline

Body Changes Affect a Senior 's Physiological and Perceptual Needs

Throughout the aging process, the body changes in numerous ways. These changes can affect an elderly individual’s perceptual and physiological needs: For example, gastrointestinal problems and/or dental issues can negatively

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