
Essay on Development of Colonies

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In pursuit of national glory, profit and religious mission, England started to explore and conquer the North America. Through the 1600s and the early 1700s, three major colonial regions, the New England colonies, the Middle colonies, and the Southern colonies, formed and developed, and the economic freedom from land owning drew people to the North America. However, during and after the French-Indian War, colonies cooperated to resist British policies and finally declared their independence in 1776. The three colonial regions blossomed quite differently in terms of economy. English colonists first settled in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. Failing to find gold, however, people in the southern colonies grew tobacco and rice as marketable …show more content…

In Plymouth, according to the Mayflower Compact, adult men agreed to obey the “just and equal laws” enacted by chosen representatives. In Massachusetts, self-governing towns were prevailing. The congregational church and school were established in each town, and the church and state was closely interconnected. The Body of Liberties issued by the General Court allowed for slavery and admitted inequality. Freemen in Massachusetts elected their governor, but the democracy was confined to church members, opposite to that in Plymouth where the voting did not require church membership. In the Middle colonies, the proprietor William Penn appointed council in Pennsylvania. Male taxpayers and other freemen elected the assembly, resulting in a majority of male population qualified for voting. Each colony also differed in cultural development. In New England, trying to purify the English church and society, the Puritans established the Bible Commonwealth. They believed in moral liberty, which was subject to authority compared with natural liberty. Puritans were guided by the omnipotence of God, doctrine of election and predestination, doctrine of covenant and doctrine of calling. However, they were not tolerant towards outliers in the community. Puritans were gradually losing control when religious heterogeneity increased as population grew. In addition, judgment of religious and political establishment was inevitable due to Puritan’s belief in individual comprehension of

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