
Developmental Model Of Intercultural Sensitivity

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Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity is a creation of Milton J. Bennett and is used as a basis to describe the responses of individuals to cultural diversity. In both corporate and academic settings, he noticed that people normally challenged cultural diversity in some anticipated methods as they gained knowledge of becoming more experienced intercultural communicators. Using ideas from constructivism and cognitive psychology, he structured these explanations into six stages of accumulative sensitivity to cultural diversity (Hernandez, 2012). The six stages comprise of the denial stage, defense, minimization, acceptance, adaptation and integration. This paper will address these stages through the analysis of the movie ‘Outsourced’. The principal notion of this particular model is that as an individual’s knowledge of cultural difference increasingly becomes more sophisticated and complex, their proficiency in intercultural relationship maximizes. Each stage shows a specific cognitive structure, which is expressed in particular forms of behavior and attitudes associated with cultural difference. By identifying the fundamental cognitive direction toward cultural diversity, predictions concerning attitudes and behavior can be deduced and in turn education can be designed to simplify growth into the subsequent stage. Adopting film as an experience, tutors of intercultural communication may depend on the movie

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