
Developmental Speech

Decent Essays

Development is funny. One day you’re born into this world completely unknowing. Just yesterday you were a fetus living so effortlessly, floating in amniotic fluid and eating from a tube connecting you and your life companion. Then all of a sudden, you’re having to emit tears and whiny sounds to get what you need. You’ve blossomed out of your sanctuary into a whole new world. You’re not consistently in the comfort of your mother. Everything has changed but nobody even thinks about the unfamiliarity a newborn child is facing. Though for all we know the newborn child doesn’t even realize the changes they’re undergoing. Afterall, it is a natural process. Even as you age, you hardly notice the differences. Well, until you’re 18 years old and launched …show more content…

My mind never drifts to that place where all I want to do is cradle it. I never wonder if maybe the child is in need of a warm bottle of milk. Or maybe he’s caught a cold and the pressure in his head is far too intense for his tiny frame to fight off. That stuff just never occurred to me. So isn’t it at all possible that I’m just not meant to be a mother? Couldn’t that be the reason why I don’t swoon over a picture of my second cousin’s baby on facebook, that has my entire family filling up the comment section? God has a plan for all of us, and maybe he just never had multiplying written down on my to do list. Development, however, is funny. I’ve spent 18 years of my life developing these ideas about the road I was meant to take, when in the end, nothing turned out like I had envisioned. After all this time of accepting that motherhood wasn’t a part of my path and deciding what that path would be, everything was interrupted. It took 18 years and a 6’2 25 year old from Canada, but I’ve finally discovered the mother in me. Though it’s not a hard discovery when it’s practically inevitable. After all, my motherly nature isn’t alone inside of me. It’s sitting pretty next to my own human

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