Developmental Theories
There are many theories on how a human develops. Most babies follow a certain pattern of development but the controversy is which person 's developmental pattern of development is correct? Erik Erickson, Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget 's developmental theories are similar. Each of the theories goes through a human 's development chronologically, giving a guideline of when certain developments happen. For example when a child is supposed to walk or when a child is going to speak. It is only a guideline and these theories are not supposed to be held too strictly.
Sigmund Freud 's developmental theory was his psychosexual stages of development. His stages were: the oral, the anal, the phallic, the latent and the
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This stage last from ages 2-3 years old. This stage corresponds to Freud 's anal stage. Initiative vs. Guilt is the stage where a developing child must be active in their environment. The ages of this stage are 3-5 years old. The child needs to have a sense of purpose. Industry vs. Inferiority is the stage where a child develops competence. The ages for this stage are 6-11 years old. These are the school years of a child 's life. Ego Identity Vs. Role Confusion is the stage where a child is in their adolescent years. The ages of this stage are 12-18 years old. The teenager is going through puberty and is noticing members of the opposite sex. Intimacy Vs. Isolation is the stage where the person is trying to find a mate for themselves. The ages for this stage are 18-24 years old. They want love. Generativity Vs. Stagnation is the stage where the now adult is working and they want to be a mentor for other children. the ages in this stage are 25-64 years old. The last stage of Erickson 's theory is Ego Integrity Vs. Despair. In this last stage a person needs to become comfortable with the life that they are living and have lived. The ages of this last stage are from 65-death.
During the summer I work at a summer camp. I am Head Lifeguard, Head Counselor and Director of Sports. It is a fairly large camp with, on average, 140 campers a year. Ages in the camp range from 5-12 years old. Sometimes we have problems with the kids but most of
Freud believed during this stage all needs are satisfied orally or through the mouth; for example, eating and drinking. The anal stage takes place during the second year of life. During this stage the battle between control and letting go begins. The phallic stage takes place during the third and fifth years of life. During this stage a child develops a fixation with the genitals. Freud’s psychosexual stages focus on developmental changes in the first 5 years of life and transformation of the id.
Developmental psychology recognizes three main models of psychosocial and cognitive development. The first theory, presented by developmental psychologist and philosopher Jean Piaget, addresses cognitive development. The second theory, presented by psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, focuses on the development of morality. The third theory, proposed by developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, outlines psychosocial development. All three theories are applicable from birth to death.
Developmental is understood as the act or process of developing; progress such as child developmental. When children go through the process of developing, they all develop the same regardless of what state or country there from. The way children develop has been studied by two psychologists’ name Jean Piaget and Erik Erikson and they both develop a theory of how children develop through their entire life starting as a newborn baby through adulthood. Jean Piaget came about four theories of children develop and Erik Erikson came about eight theories of children develop.
Many factors influence children’s development as well as that massive amount of development theories that elaborate on why children do certain things, why children have developmental disorders, or even why some children have developmental delays. Although there are many theories regarding children development and how they are influences, theorist make some great points in the child development but with any theory come flaws such as developmental issues. Famous theorists Freud, Erikson, and Piaget all have different ideas on this topic. Freud was a psychiatrist who believed in unconscious activity of the mind. Erikson was a developmental psychologist who believed that the mind developed in a series of stages, and Piaget was a clinical psychologist who believed in cognitive development. Theorists such as Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, and Erik Erikson discusses how their individual theory influences the make-up of the development of children.
In 1905 Sigmund Freud theorized that childhood development happens in stages, which are called “Psychosexual Development Stages.” In 1950 Erik Erikson developed “Psychosocial Stages,” which are greatly influenced by Freud’s theories. Freud’s theory centers on psychosexual energy or the libido. Erickson’s theory centers on issues and tasks being met at specific ages. Even though we are sexual beings, our developmental stages do not focus entirely on sexual pleasures. Both theories do show that personality develops in stages. Although, Erickson’s theory is the better theory.
When an infant arrives in the world they are helpless tiny humans who depend on adults for every need from love, to feeding them. It is amazing how these tiny babies grow into adults able to make decisions and become self-dependent. There are many theories about how children develop and what roles the environment plays, what people affect their lives and how events can shape their personalities. Some of these children have and easy life and some have a harder time making that journey to adulthood.
There are many theories of child development largely because many different people have studied the field for many years. Each theory has their different factors; biology, sociology, genetics, environment, and relationships are just a few of them. “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous -- and how well I know it. ”! (Psalms 139:14). One might ask the question: "If theories are so useful, why do we need so many?" Having a multitude of theories allow us to see how children develop from a variety of
The psychosexual stages have three main parts. Each of Freud's five stages has a physical focal point where the child's energy is strongest and where their pleasure is obtained. The stages also have a psychological theme and an adult character type.
Psychoanalytical theory of development originated from Sigmund Freud. This is considered the theory that created the foundation for which the other four theories developed (Polan E. & Taylor D.). Freud’s theory is based on the idea that development which occurs in the first six years of life occurs in three stages which are oral, anal phallic stage and are sexual pleasure centered. The oral stage pertains to the stimulation of the mouth which can be obtained through sucking during infancy. The anal stage pertains to the stimulation of the anus which can relate to the awareness of using the bathroom through potty training during early childhood ages of development. The phallic stage pertains to the
The physician Sigmund Freud created the concept psychoanalytic theory and also accepted reactive development and discontinuous growth. Freud created the id, ego and superego personality components that determined how society ruled our lives. This way of thinking gave birth to psychosexual development where there are five
There are three main theories of development that I shall discuss in this assignment, 'Cognitive', the main theorist being, 'Piaget', (1896 - 1980), The, 'Psychosocial Theory', 'Erikson', (1902 - 1994), and, The 'Psychosexual', of, 'Freud', (1856 - 1939).
Sigmund Freud believed that all children were curious about sex and their own origins – this caused outrage in Victorian society. He believed that all children followed five stages of development, not moving forward to the next one until the previous one was completed. His theory was
In 1905 Freud proposed that psychological development in childhood takes place in a series of fixed stages. These stages were dived into 5 parts; Freud said personality will be developed by the time one is a teenager. They are called psychosexual stages because each stage represents the fixation of libido known as sexual drives or instincts on a different area of the body. Fixation is part of our sexuality left behind at an earlier sage of psychosexual development.
Freud identified five stages of psychosexual development, namely: The oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage and genital stage.
For the past couple class we have been talking about different theorists. Most of the theorists I have heard of before because of past psychology classes that I have taken and also from CIED 100. In the past I have often just applied the theories to myself and never thought about how the theories would affect my future students. Even though I have heard about the theorists before I often get them confused but talking about these passed couple weeks has helped. The theories look at many different parts of a child’s development, their social/emotional and moral aspects, and their behavior and cognitive development. From what I can remember most of the theories were broken up into stages. Some stages were based on age while others were