The Bermuda Triangle, or Devil’s Triangle, covers about 500,000 square miles of ocean off the southeastern tip of Florida. When Christopher Columbus sailed through the area on his first voyage to the New World, he reported that a great flame of fire crashed into the sea one night and that a strange light appeared in the distance a few weeks later. William Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest,” which some scholars claim was based on a real-life Bermuda shipwreck, may have enhanced the area’s aura of mystery. A pattern allegedly began forming in which vessels traversing the Bermuda Triangle would either disappear or be found abandoned. Then, in December 1945, five Navy bombers carrying 14 men took off from a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, airfield in order to conduct practice bombing runs over some nearby shoals. But with his compasses apparently malfunctioning, the leader of the mission, known as …show more content…
One such rogue wave caused the Ocean Ranger, then the world's largest offshore platform, to capsize in 1982. There is, however, no particular reason to believe rogue waves are more common in the Bermuda region, and this explanation cannot account for the loss of airplanes. Aerial photos taken in 2005 show the phenomenon of glowing water. Whatever causes this phosphorescence to vent up from the Bahama Bank bottoms, if that is its cause, remains a mystery. Many people have reported seeing portals opening in cloudy skies - strange swirling lights sometimes accompanied by sounds - temporal distortions - electromagnetic distortions called 'electronic fog' that can cause a time storm, and the disappearance of planes and ships. There is something about this fog that is important and gives one the sense of all things paranormal. Something unexplained is definitely happening in that region of the Atlantic. This goes back to ancient explorers such as Christopher Columbus and his crew who experienced the
TRANSITION: This concentrated area of the ocean is very complex. Let’s now examine a few of the more populated disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle.
Killer Sea Farts and Alien Vortex are alike and different in many ways. There have been many accident in The Bermuda Triangle. Both stories give examples of “theories” that have occurred in The Bermuda Triangle. Although, none of the “theories” have been proven.
All 27 crew members of that mission – MISSING WITHOUT A TRACE! I could recount many very similar stories of disappearance relating to other planes and fishing vessels. The common theme, however, is that they have all disappeared, in roughly the same geographical area, without a trace or a conclusive answer as to their fate. The "Bermuda or Devil's Triangle" is an fictional area situated off the south eastern Atlantic coast of America, which is known for an abnormal occurrence of mysterious losses of ocean vessels and aeroplanes.
Around the year 1420, many sailors dared not to explore past Cape Bojador. This was because of the harsh storms and currents in that area. Not only were there many storms and currents, the sailors that had tried exploring Cape Bojador never returned home
Geochemist, Richard Mciverd, gives the idea that there’s a large deposit of methane gas underneath the ocean bed. level of methane gas coming through the ocean surface is so great and powerful that’s causing underwater landslides. These landslides release even more gas making the waters density increase exponentially. Because the waters density would be so low it would then cause the sea to drag the ships and planes completely. Also, since the gases would be highly flammable, when the planes crash down it would cause a huge explosion burning the evidence of the plane in the waves.
2. Between 1945 and 1965 5 planes crashed and 10 ships sunk or disappeared in this area- Proven. Strange occurrences can happen outside of the Bermuda Triangle as well- Proven. To date, any plane that goes down in the triangle debris is never found- Proven. When in the triangle compasses stop working- Proven. Scientists believe that weather, topography, current, and methane gas can be reasons for these disappearances- Proven to be happenings but not for sure if the actual cause. Others who have made the journey through the Bermuda Triangle lose their memory
First off, one of the most commonly asked questions about the Bermuda Triangle is, what even is it? The Bermuda triangle is a part of, Miami, Florida, Bermuda, and San Juan Puerto Rico. Where planes, ships, and people have been known to disappear. More than 1,000 people have disappeared in the Bermuda triangle in the past 100 years. With many people having to wonder, where did they go?
Other people believe that the Bermuda Triangle mysteries are because of the hexagonal clouds. Which are hexagonal shaped clouds that cause air gaps that create air bombs. The website “Big Think” says “ mysteries pervading the Bermuda Triangle area are unusual hexagonal clouds creating 170 mph air bombs full of wind. These air pockets cause all the mischief, sinking ships and downing planes.” Which explains why so many boats and planes disappear in the triangle. This could also prove the theory of the devil's triangle because the weird shaped clouds are the devil's shape which is a
Bermuda, Miami, and San Juan (Bermuda Triangle).These are the 3 locations that make up the “Devil's Triangle” also known as the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic ocean. In this area, many unexplained disappearances from military and commercial aircrafts, to large cargo ships and small yachts has many people and scientists wondering, is this supernatural phenomena? Forces of nature? Over-exaggerated stories? No one knows for sure. Many of these disappearances happened without warning, no mayday calls or signals of distress, and leaving no trace of existence or wreckage behind. These events involving the Bermuda Triangle can be linked to an extremely powerful electromagnetic field over the area.
As some of you may know, the Bermuda Triangle is located in the Western Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where a large number of ships and aircrafts that have mysteriously disappeared over time. Many of these disappearances have unexplained explanations as to why planes have still yet to be found. Other planes and boats have vanished from areas where the weather was not unusual. For an example, flight 19, 1945, one of the most mysterious disappearances that has happened within the Bermuda Triangle. People believe it’s supernatural events, and some people believe it’s just human mistakes, but in my opinion i believe it’s human error. Over the years, many ships and airplanes have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.
A fabled and unreal story told by the devilish seas and the terror-stricken voices of the people who've escaped the sunken ships and planes that cry from beneath the floors of the home of mysteries finally ascents back to the lapping waves upon the surface, screeching out what really hides under the streaming walls of the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle based on the countless disappearances, is an unfolded riddle that is known to be an alarming part of the world because of the swallowed ships and planes from many others going there. Although theories of this place being an aircraft and sea travelers ravaging beast, it has logical and non-distressing reasoning to act in dangerous manners. With reasons that include environmental situations, strange weather patterns, and human error, it stands more on the sensible and coherent end of the line than what others may think, but still has head-scratching standpoints and explanations to side with. These evidences contain critical striking points to prove what really makes up the Bermuda Triangle from bizarre assumptions to rational arguments.
The Bermuda Triangle covers almost 440,000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean. An imaginary line that begins near Melbourne, Florida, extends south to Bermuda, and west to Puerto Rico before turning north to Florida, forms the Triangle. From 1972-1999, more than one hundred planes and ships have vanished into thin air. More than one thousand lives have been lost as well. One frightening aspect of this entire saga
You might know that the Bermuda Triangle is a legendary place where numerous disappearances have occurred, but how much do you really know about it? Some people don’t believe in such a place, but some do. Research has been conducted to try and figure out what could possibly be happening here, but with no hard evidence. The mysterious Bermuda Triangle may be more than just a myth though; the Bermuda triangle has a long history with disappearances, few people live through it to tell the tale, and possible theories have been made over the years; leaving scientists questioning this strange phenomenon.
The Bermuda triangle is a mythical geographic area. It is believed to extend from the tip of Florida to Bermuda and to Puerto Rico. Over 100 planes and ships have disappeared in the last century. There are many theories about what might cause the disappearances of theses ships and planes. Scientist have come to believe that the most possible theory has something to do with the climate change such as tsunamis, hurricanes or waterspouts. The other theory is that the compasses point to the True North and not the Magnetic North. There are other less likely theories but it depends on whether a person believes or not. There is also the theory that Atlantis might have sunk where the Bermuda
The Bermuda Triangle,also known as the Hoodoo Sea, the Devil's Triangle, the Limbo of the Lost, and the Twilight Zone, is a part of the ocean in which planes, ships, and people mysteriously seem to just disappear. It is an imaginary area shaped as a triangle. Which is located in the outer tip of Florida. Its been the biggest mystery of time because of the mysterious disappearances that have happened over time. “The term Bermuda Triangle was first used in an article written by Vincent H. Gaddis for Argosy magazine in 1964. In the article, Gaddis claimed that in this strange sea a number of ships and planes had disappeared without explanation. Gaddis wasn't the first one to come to this conclusion, either. As early as 1952, George X.