

Decent Essays

His love is on the right side of the heart:
Being a young mother makes it more difficult to understand becoming an adult and raising a child all at the same time. However, it is possible to handle both aspects of life if you have the right attitude but it does require patience. The people that have known me knows very well that patience was something I had to learn. This is what it was like for me to cope with the difficulties of being a young mother. Many people judge others on becoming young mothers. Obviously, those who are not parents themselves are usually the ones who are criticizing teenage parents. In my opinion, I was well on my way at the age of seventeen, although I was fresh out of high school, I began working with American …show more content…

It was truly love at first sight. He was the prettiest little baby in the world to me. Levi was born with Dextrocardia and Aortic Valve Stenosis. Dextrocardia is a rare heart condition in which the heart points towards the right side instead of the left. Dextrocardia is congenital, which means people are born with this abnormality (Roth). The aortic valve stenosis is the narrowing of the valve in the large blood vessel branching off from the heart. Aortic stenosis restricts the blood flow from the left ventricle to the aorta and may affect the pressure in the left atrium (Kenny). The day I found out that my son had heart issues, my soul left my body. As a mother, you never want your baby to go through any pain. Barely healed from the cesarean section, I did all I could to visit with him, but I was not able to due to the medication they had given me. Conway regional airlifted Levi to Arkansas Children’s Hospital only six hours after birth. I did not see him until Conway Regional Hospital discharged me. I was thrilled to have him in my arms! It felt amazing to touch his little face and hold his little hands. A few weeks went by and I realized that I did not feel myself. I no longer had an appetite; I lost interest in life all together. Confused on why I felt this way, I contacted my doctor and he told me that I was suffering from post-partum depression. I would stay up all times of the night and just watch Levi. When he

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