
Dialectical Journal Case Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

S1 How many sales did you make a week? S2 I would make between three and five sales per week. S1 Now what you said you get 20% that's $560 less the $75 you're back to $485 so you’re sometimes making a couple thousand dollars in a week? S2 Yes S1 How do you feel about that at your young age? S2 I was on top of the world. S1 So What did you learn there, what did you learn about yourself and from that company? S2 If I can just go back just a little bit. I learned that by following their system I could make sales and when I didn't, I didn't make sales. For example my first-- S1 Give me that one more time. When you followed their presentation System. S2 Yes sir, I would make sales and when I didn't, I didn't make sales. When my first 30

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