
Diamonds Are Forever, By De Beers Diamond Company

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“Diamonds are forever.” Or are they really? For about 80 years, the De Beers diamond company has pulled off the biggest marketing scheme ever known to mankind. Indeed, how much would you estimate your diamond engagement ring wrapped around your finger? A fair amount would be the right thing to say. However, the compressed carbon stone is worth a lot less than anyone would imagine, which is why De Beers has been such a successful company, who, thanks to a good use of marketing as well as strategy, has led the entire planet to believe that diamonds are rare, luxurious and expensive stones. They are the leader in their field, as the De Beers diamond output from their own activities is about 40% of the world’s total rough diamonds. The key to their success is that they have implemented a single channel distribution, controlling about 70% of the world’s diamonds as they pass through the CSO (Central Selling Organization, owned by De Beers), which regulates the diamond output to the market, to controls the supply and therefore the high prices. “Since the late 1800’s the South African multinational has regulated both the industrial and gemstone diamond markets, and effectively maintained an illusion of diamond scarcity” (Hollensen, 2007).

In this work we will examine how effectively the De Beers Group is managing its market, through an analysis of the macro environment of the industry, the company’s microenvironment, and the Marketing Mix strategy put in place to ensure success.

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