
Diary Entry For Mya Trucking

Satisfactory Essays

Data Entry I’m 17 years old so of course, I need a job. I want to be able to take care of myself and family. I search and search, putting in applications left and right. Nothing seems to be working out for me. Considering I had no experience in working no one wanted to hire me. At the beginning of the summer, I thought I would be able to work with my dad like he had promised, but sadly it was no such luck. As weeks went by my dad told me the job working with him was mine if I wanted it. Of course, I said yes. I put in my notice at Sonic and started my job as a truck dispatcher soon after. The company was MYA Trucking. Since my dad had been working in oil fields and dispatching for a while he taught me everything I know. Now at only …show more content…

Wildhorse is one of the companies MYA Trucking works for. On this spreadsheet I enter his name and truck number into the first two empty columns. Next to the two columns there is a pull-down menu showing you a list of loading facilities. Since Mario chose Kosse I have to put that facility down. The reason for doing this is to document where he loaded so he can be paid. Each facility has different pay so it is very important to make sure I keep track. I then look to the dispatched column and put in the time and date. This is to tell us when he was sent to get loaded. It can also tell us if our drivers are just goofing off and taking too long to get loaded. An hour later I am still waiting for another text from Mario. My phone rings at 21:10. It is a text from Mario telling me his truck number, what time he arrived at the loading facility, what time he departed the loading facility, his Bill of Lading (BOL), weight of the load, the MYA ticket number, what type of sand, and where he loaded from. The reason he sends me this is because I have to put all the information on the spreadsheet. Not only do I need to know his information but so does Resource, other dispatchers, and my boss. After his text, the first thing I do is start searching for Mario’s name in the spreadsheet. Once I find it I start entering his information. I slowly start to type in the weight of Mario’s load, 45,100. I read the numbers out loud so I don’t forget a single one. Next

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