
Diet Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Nutrition is important for professional athletes for a variety of reasons such as strength, personal health and fitness. The aim of this assignment is to find out what types of foods and combinations should an athlete consume 24 hours leading up to a game. The major section of this assignment is to find out what diets and foods help give athletes good nutrition before playing a match. These diets and foods should be consumed by most young people if they would like to be match fit and healthy. Another major item in this assignment is the food consumed by you and the strengths and weaknesses in your diet and how they could be improved.

Body 1
The food and drink I consume before a sporting match is displayed in the table below. There are many strengths and weaknesses in this meal plan. The strength of this meal plan are the amount of food groups covered such as grains being biscuits and dip, vegetables being leek, carrot & peas in the chicken and leek pie, fruits being banana smoothie, grapes & sultanas, dairy products being Tea & Smoothie and lean meats being chicken. The weaknesses of this meal plan are the abundance of sugary products such as, Tnt, Up & Go & Meat Pie. The strengths and weaknesses of this diet end up …show more content…

You should aim for 55% Carbohydrates, 15% Protein and 30% Fats (Better Health Channel, 2017). Eating the right foods is essential to success on game day it can be as little as eating some small chips from a fast food place that could affect your performance majorly that’s why it’s essential for athletes to have a balanced diet. Eating the wrong things such a sugary drinks, fatty foods and fast food can lead to lack of performance, illness and could get you de-graded from your current team. The food choices a professional athlete makes are very important for future performance and

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