
Difference Between Apple And Apple Ethics

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Ethics are highly subjective, not objective. It's true that they use basic logic, but they also use the point of view of the arguer and their value system. As such, two very reasonable people can come to very different (even opposing), yet equally-valid ethical conclusions. Several people assert that one specific ethical framework and set of values is the one and only correct one, but the fact is, we have no way of choosing one correct framework, or even one set of correct values; there must always be someone that decides which framework and values are best, but there's no absolute and correct way to choose which person or entity has the unquestionable right to assert their brand of ethics on everyone. Sadly, this means that you can even say that a corrupt corporation such as Apple is highly ethical, and you wouldn't be any less right than if you said that they were completely unethical.

Relevance of stock prices to ethics …show more content…

By law, Apple had no obligations one way or the other. As Apple wasn't directly employing minors, Apple was completely in the clear. Apple wouldn't be in any more legal trouble for buying parts from suppliers that employ minors than you would for buying an iPhone that contained the parts made by minors. If making decisions based on law, Apple would likely not take any action in enforcing the workforce age laws.

However, if making decisions based on ethics, Apple has several opposing viewpoints to consider. What are the ethical benefits in letting the laws slide? What benefits are achieved by attempting to enforce the laws? What do the stakeholders (including shareholders, customers, employees, and the general public) have to say? In this case, the decision could be made in either direction. In Apple's case, they decided that enforcing the laws was the correct action.

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