
Difference Between Augmented Reality Vs Virtual Reality

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Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality: How is AR different from VR

To introduce, AR that enhances the existing reality with computer-generated enhancements and gives us the ability to interact with the virtual enhancements.
The current form of AR are the apps that sync with your phone and are blending the real world with a pinch of the virtual world.
AR is more common these days in form of pop-up 3D emails, photos and text messages on mobile devices.

Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality

Augmented reality and virtual reality are completely different babies of the digital world. They operate in separate worlds and deliver different user experiences altogether.
Augmented reality is the virtual expansion of the real world while the virtual reality delivers digital recreation the real world. …show more content…

These technologies have been already been used to treat and heal psychological conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

How do they work together?

It is not always virtual reality vs. augmented reality– they do not always operate independently of one another, and in fact are often blended together to generate an even more immersing experience. For example, haptic feedback-which is the vibration and sensation added to interaction with graphics-is considered an augmentation. However, it is commonly used within a virtual reality setting in order to make the experience more lifelike through touch.

Virtual reality and augmented reality are great examples of experiences and interactions fueled by the desire to become immersed in a simulated land for entertainment and play, or to add a new dimension of interaction between digital devices and the real world. Alone or blended together, they are undoubtedly opening up worlds-both real and virtual

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