
Difference Between My Generation And My Generations

Decent Essays

The Difference Between My Generation vs. My Child’s (A technology comparison) Technology was rapidly advancing during my childhood years. During those years technology like Photo shop 1990, the mosaic web browser 1993, Yahoo 1994, Sony PlayStation 1994, Real Networks 1995, Google 1998, and Mp3 Players 1998 (The Decades That Invented the Future, Part 10: 1991-2000) Just to name a few that are so commonly used today. Although these amazing technological advances came about during my early years does not necessarily mean that everyone was using them then. Most of my childhood was still spent outdoors being adventurous, at a friend's house, passing notes in class, and dare I say it, drinking from a water hose! There are many differences and similarities my children and I share from the time I was growing up to the current generation. Communication was much different when I was younger. Passing notes in class or in the hallway was the best method of communication we had in school. I even used notebooks to pass back and forth with specific friends, so we were not seen with a "note" and have it read in front of the entire class. As I got older and moved out of my parents I had a large box full of notes collected throughout middle school and high school. I was not afraid of them being auto deleted if they were in my inbox too long, but I guess storage was still an issue! Another huge part of communication when I was younger was letting my parents know where I was, who I was with,

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