Terrestrial planets are closer to the sun than Jovian and Dwarf planets. Another difference is the surfaces of the planets. Terrestrial and Dwarf planets are rocky and and solid and Jovian planets have a gaseous surface. Comparing sizes, the Jovian planets are the largest, then Terrestrial planets, then Dwarf planets. The atmosphere of terrestrial planets are mostly carbon dioxide, Jovian planets consist of nitrogen, hydrogen, and helium, and Dwarf planets have little to no atmosphere. Dwarf planets are different than Terrestrial and Jovian planets because they lack certain criteria to make them an actual planet, such as needing to orbit a sun and a enough mass to have a some-what spherical shape. The Terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus,
Even though the inner and outer planets are very similar, they also have quite a few differences.Even though the inner and outer planets may have the same orbit plane and they both do not use their own light they are also different in size and their composition.
First of all, Inner planets are different from Outer planets in many ways. The surface of Inner planets compared to Outer planets are rocky, Inner planets are denser, all the Inner planets are in the asteroid belt. “The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us -- there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.”-Carl Sagan.There is nothing more than what there is. The surface of the Inner planets is very different from those of the Outer planets because, Earth compared to Uranus is completely different due to Uranus being mostly made out of gas. The Inner planets are also much denser than Outer planets. For example, Venus ' average density is 5.24g/cm3 as opposed to Neptune which is 1.33g/cm3. Lastly,
The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The inner planets are made of rock, and are solid. These are called terrestrial and are closer to the sun. The outer planets are made of gas, and are not solid. They are much farther from the sun.
Mercury is the closet planet to the Sun. It has little to no atmosphere. Because of the little atmosphere, Mercury is constantly being hit by craters and boulders. There is pulverized dust that is on the surface of Mercury. This rocky planet is often compared to the moon.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune collectively make up the group known as the Jovian planets. The general structure of these planets are the opposite of the terrestrial planets. The Jovian planets have a small and dense core surrounded by huge layers of gas rather than having thin atmospheres around large and rocky bodies. These planets are made up almost entirely of hydrogen and helium and do not have solid surfaces. All four Jovian planets are surrounded by a set of rings. These rings consist of rock, ice and dust particles that rage from microscopically small particles to the size of a giant houses, cars etc. There is plenty information about what is currently known and theorized about the formation of the rings, the different ring systems, and why terrestrial planets do not have natural rings.
A dwarf planet can be described in many different ways. Some define it as an object revolving around the sun, that is large enough to be surrounded by its own gravity but is not large enough to be gravitationally dominant in its orbital area. You can also describe Dwarf planets as roundish objects in outer space that revolve around the Sun, but Dwarf planets are not moons. Dwarf planets are a lot like regular planets because they revolve around the Sun. A Major difference is that where Dwarf planets orbit the sun that area is full of a lot of comets and asteroids in their path and around them. A few Dwarf planets found in our solar system are Pluto, Eris, Ceres and Makemake, and they orbit in the outer solar system beyond Neptune or the
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest planet in the solar system. It has a mass of more than twice the size of the rest of the planets and about eighty times more massive. To be put into perspective compared to our planet Earth, there would need to be eleven Earths lined up next to each other in order to stretch from one side of Jupiter to the other. We would also need about three hundred and seventeen Earths to equal the mass of Jupiter. Jupiter is mostly made up of hydrogen and helium and has four main moons- Lo, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto- as well as many other smaller moons. It is also the fastest moving planet, making a day less than ten hours and it takes approximately twelve Earth years. Jupiter also has the strongest magnetic field of all planets, the gargantuan.
Have you ever wanted to know how the planets were formed? Well in this you will learn the way all of the planets were formed around four and a half billion years ago. Jupiter has 67 known moons and the other seven planets vary in numbers of planets. Mercury is the smallest planet with a diameter of 4,879km. The largest planet is Jupiter with a diameter of 439,822km.
Jupiter Research Jupiter is the fifth and largest planet in our solar system. This gas giant has a thick atmosphere, 17 moons, and a dark, barely-visible ring. Its most prominent features are bands across its latitudes and a great red spot, (which is a storm). Jupiter is composed mostly of gas.
The Important thing about the inner planets is that they are rocky planets .The inner planets include Earth, Venus, Mercury ,and Mars. They are also slow.But, the most Important thing about the inner planets is that they are rocky. The Important thing about outer planets is they are made up of helium and hydrogen.The outer planets have many moons.The outer planets move faster.The outer planets are gas giants .But, the most Important thing about outer planets is that they are made up helium and hydrogen
One of these terrestrial planets, Mercury is the topic of the next section. Mercury, one of the smallest planets, has a surface similar to that of a moon because it is cratered with some smoother areas. However, it is distinct from the moon in that the plains are the same color as the cratered areas. Mercury
I would have to say that the atmospheres of Jovian planets and the atmospheres of terrestrial planets similar because they are all part of the same primordial solar nebula. Another similarity is that, they both move around the Sun at an angle orbit with changing eccentricities. Despite the fact, the Jovian and terrestrial planets differ in structure, they both have a solid core which in turn makes the cores of the terrestrial planets are larger than the cores of the Jovian planets.
To answer the question “What is the chemical difference between a star and a planet?” A big difference between stars and planets is mass and size. Stars are massive balls of gas with pressure inside them that causes a nuclear reaction, which makes them bright and hot. A object would have to have 80 times the mass of Jupiter to have the nuclear reaction in its core. Making planet's not big enough to be a star. Although there is a huge difference in size and mass, many stars and planets are similar. Many planets are rocky and metallic like Earth and Mars, but some planets are mostly made up of gas, like a star. Both gas planets and stars are largely made up of hydrogen and helium.
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and by far the largest mass object in the solar system of all the other planets. Jupiter is twice the size of all the other planets combined. It is as 318 times the sizes of earth. The distance that Jupiter orbits the sun is 778,330,000 km (Gallant pp154). The diameter is 142,984 km and the mass that it has is 1.900e27 kg. Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in the sky after the Sun, the Moon and Venus. Mars is some times brighter. Galileo discovered Jupiter in 1610(Gallant); another interesting fact is that Jupiter has 4 large moons. Which are known as the Galilean moons. They were named Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. The first mission that went to Jupiter was Pioneer 10 in 1973 and
Mercury which is the planet that is closest to the sun is the first planet I will discuss. Mercury is the smallest of the inner