
Difference Between The Dixit-Norman Approach

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International Trade and Economic Growth: The Dixit-Norman Approach Introduction: Dixit-Norman’s ground breaking has somewhat sharpened the view of economists in how a world with the character of free trade and factors of production being of internationally immobile in character exists. The main insight of the Dixit-Norman is—“There is an equity between the equilibrium as achieved by a theoretically integrated economy, limited by the absence of national borders and keeping technologies constant in all countries. Also exhibiting the constant returns to scale with a contentious pricing behavior.” To quote Lutz G. Arnold “if tastes and technologies are the same in all countries, if the productive activities are characterized by constant returns to scale with respect to the private factors of production, and if spillover effects are international in scope, then the replication of the equilibrium of the …show more content…

Also to boil down to form a question whether the scales of production effect hold? Arnold, L. G. (n.d.). Economic Theory . This paper analyzes the intermediary dynamics of the growth model (with the character of open economy) of Solow, Romer, Lucas, Grossmen-Helpman among others. This paper has adopted the Dixit-Norman hypothesis, which will imply the world economies replicating the equilibrium of the theoretical and notional integration of the world economy with certain conditions held in the broader class of the economic growth models with open economy version. A different implication that we may also perceive from the Dixit-Norman international theory is a question—whether the international economic amalgamation will enhance and behave catalytically in the growth? Also to boil down to form a question whether the scales of production effect hold? The

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