
Differences And Similarities Between The Puyallup Or Nez Perce

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Imagine you were apart of the Puyallup or Nez Perce tribe and the only thing you can really eat is fish. Imagine you could only wear a breechcloth in the summer if you are male.Imagine living in a house built of dirt. Would you rather be in the Puyallup tribe or Nez Perce tribe and why? The Puyallup and Nez Perce both relied a lot on and were dependent on their environment for what they needed to live. The puyallup and Nez Perce tribes interacted with their environment differently and similarly to provide food,shelter and clothing for their families.

The differences and similarities between the Puyallup and the Nez Perce is a direct result of how they interacted with their environment to get their food. The Puyallup tribe had it easier …show more content…

In the Encyclopedia of Native Tribes it informs you “The Puyallup built the common cedar plank houses of the region, sometimes called shed roof houses”. “The homes were supported carved or pointed posts and were open in the center”. “In the summer, the people constructed temporary campsite structures with a pole frame covered by woven mats”. “They built sweat houses for purifying themselves”. In the video Native People of the Northwest, Native people it lets you know another key point is “they were big enough for grandparents,parents and grandchildren”. These were permanent homes. In the Encyclopedia of Native Tribes it lets you know in particular that “ for centuries, the Nez Perce lived in houses covered with plant material”. “During the summer when they moved in search of food, they lived in quickly built lean-tos consisting of a pole frame work covered with woven mats of plant fibers. Just like the Puyallup the Nez Perce built homes for the summer to live in. They did the same thing for the summer by having a pole frame covered by woven mats. That is how the Puyallup and Nez Perce are similar in their

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