
Differences Between Shia And Sunni Conflicts

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The state religion of Pakistan, a country within Central Asia is Islam. The Sunnis and the Shias are two religious sects within the Islamic religion. The Shias make up a majority of the population about 87-90%, whereas the Sunnis are comprised of the minority of the population about 10-13% (Hasan, 2010).The core beliefs of both the Sunnis and the Shias are similar as they both believe in the same God, the prophet Muhammad, and the Koran, but both disagree with the line of succession after Muhammad’s death (Hasan, 2010). The Shias believe that Muhammad’s cousin Ali deserved to be next in succession, instead of the Sunnis’ candidate, Muhammad’s companion Abu Bakr, who later won the race (Hasan, 2010). Differing religious views can lead to tensions …show more content…

Conflicts soon arose between the two factions and segregation and discrimination ensued. After the Sunnis refused to allow Muhammad’s cousin into power, tensions arose between the two factions and both were unable to reconcile, leading to conflicts to occur (Qureshi, 2012). In Pakistan, after the death of the grandson of Muhammad, Imam Hussein, the Shias faced pat downs by security officials at both the entrance and exit of their congregational areas (Qureshi, 2012). Shia communities within Pakistan also face slaughter by suicide bombers, bombings, and targeted killings without any justice as the Sunni majority deem these deaths as justifiable as they mark the Shias as infidels and non-Muslims (“The widening Sunni-Shia,” 2016). Violent conflicts due to religious divides can lead to terrorism within a nation, resulting in the mass genocide of a group of people as well as the destruction of government buildings and infrastructure. The effects of terrorism leads to further religious divides within a nation further insinuating distrust between groups of people, causing less trade and economic activities to occur between these groups, resulting in low economic

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