
Differences Of State Constitution Vs. United States Constitution

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In my humble opinion, State Constitutions should differ from the United States Constitution, as it gives a deeper sense of independence and corresponds to the needs of that particular state. The Declaration of Independence is a prime example of independence, as though I concur that each state is to be shadowed by the United States Constitution. You cannot anticipate what benefits a society within a state that borders the ocean will be beneficial to a state surrounded by mountains, as common sense allows us to determine the economic and geological demands will differ to a degree as well as people's beliefs. Some people are vegetarians and others are avid hunters, and the scope is really too broad to categorize this volume of diversity under one constitution. From religion to what makes an economy function, one constitution cannot "blanket" an entire nation and everything run like clockwork. …show more content…

In Mapp v. Ohio, the exclusionary rule was adopted, but as a law enforcement officer, it is hard to digest when a suspect is cleared of a crime and the evidence proved differently. Mapp v. Ohio made all evidence inadmissible in state court when a violation of the Constitution has occurred, based on the Justices interpretation (Hall, 2015). The evidence that surrounds why law enforcement was present and engaged the way they did seems irrelevant, so the differences between State Constitution and the United States Constitution is somewhat like a double edge sword. The United States Constitution overruled the State Constitution, as it should, but the outcome has to be respected by everyone that lives in the United States of America, regardless of the like and dislikes of the final

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