
Different Types Of Diversified Therapies

Decent Essays

Many people we become acquainted with don’t often mention whether or not they see a therapist. Society seems to come along with a major social stigma that people who see therapists or take medication are “crazy” or are “unable to control themselves.” However in many cases, this is not true in the slightest. For many people, it may be shocking to know that today over 20 percent of Americans have seen (or do see) a therapist and 20 percent are on medication for anxiety or depression. Those who see a therapist should have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, many people do not seek therapeutic solutions simply because they are not aware of the help they could potentially receive. Luckily, different types of diversified therapies have come about and are specialized for a variety of different problems. To begin, psychotherapy can be divided into four subcategories: psychoanalytic, humanistic, behavioral, and cognitive. Psychoanalytic therapy is heavily influenced by the theories of Sigmund Freud. This is where the “laying on a couch” stereotype comes from because traditionally the client would lay on a couch and speak to the therapist who was out of view. Other ideas originating in psychoanalysis include free association, resistance, dream interpretation, and transference. Psychoanalysis is not used widely today; however, many of the important elements have been amended and incorporated into more “modern” therapy styles. Humanistic therapy tends to focus on a client-centered

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