
Differing Perspectives on Hope in Start Where You Are by Chodron and a Letter from Thomas Jefferson

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Does hope really demolish one from achieving the best or is hope the fuel that ignites one’s ambitions? According to Pema Chodron, a Buddhist nun, one can only be successful if they give up all hope of succeeding. In her article, “Start Where You Are”, Chodron shares her perspective on Buddhism and how giving up hope is the solution to all problems. On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson advocates hope by persuading his nephew in a letter to always strive to become better. These two authors provide readers with two very different views on how one could live an exceeding life.
In the article, “Start Where You Are”, Pema Chodron states that one can only achieve something or some goal by giving up hope and that one can only become better by …show more content…

Chodron’s argument becomes weak because of her use of hyperbole. She exaggerates dramatically when she claims “there are 12 step programs…someday there will probably be a 108 step program. This statement is fallacious because it uses slippery slope, a logical fallacy, which makes it ineffective. Chodron uses slippery slope by asserting that since there is already a twelve step program; someday there will be a 24 step program and then a 108 step program, which is illogical because the step programs would have stopped before reaching such a high number and it is not necessary for point C to happen just because point A and B did. Due to Chodron exaggerating to the extremes to prove her point, her argument comes off as inconclusive. Pema Chodron creates an image of a life with no hope and no disappointments with her strong beliefs woven in her writing.
Thomas Jefferson composed a letter to his nephew, Peter Carr, asking him to reconsider and reconstruct his life. Peter had been slacking in his studies, which had disappointed Jefferson and in his letter, he discusses the challenges one goes through along with a schedule one should follow to lead a successful life. Thomas Jefferson engenders a convincing argument that is effective through the use of rhetoric. He

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