
Digital Music And Its Effects On The Music Industry

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In July 2011, Spotify launched in the United States. This program not only had the ability to stream music for its listeners, but it was also free. As long as the artists were featured on this program, users could listen to any of their songs at any time. At first, this was only restricted to desktop computer usage, but since then Spotify has launched its app available for mobile devices, further stretching this power of free and instant media at any time. Although this may sound great to users like you and me, the people who ultimately suffer are the artists that put there music out there on Spotify. By allowing us to listen to their music for free, the profits from CD’s and iTunes digital music sales have begun to decrease. This means that artists who have their media on Spotify overall do not make the profit that they normally should. Since Spotify is a relatively new addition to the music industry, I will be focusing on the effects it is having on sales regarding teenagers since they are the highest population that currently uses Spotify because of it’s appearance in their generation.

According to a paper by Abhijit Sen, a renowned professor with a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Cambridge, titled Music in the Digital Age: Musicians and Fans Around the World “Come Together” on the Net, “statistics show that the music industry and the major record labels are in a slow slump” (Sen 8). Ever since Apple created iTunes, the number of CD purchases have been

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