
Digital Surveillance

Decent Essays

Government's Digital Surveillance:Invasion of Privacy Rights
Is the government’s use of Big Brothers totalitarian ways for surveillance justified? No, the government surveillance isn’t justified, because it is an invasion to individual rights. Big Brother is the totalitarian ruler in the book 1984 who always has a watch on the citizens of Oceania. Many governments around the world are using surveillance as a way to obtain people's private information. The United States has the Bill of Rights, which are the first ten amendments protecting individual rights of the people. The National Security Agency of the United States (NSA) is in charge of intelligence organization. In contradiction to the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights, the United States uses NSA programs to unwarrantedly search people's records and monitor personal lives. Many other countries also use the media to censor and repress individual freedom. The …show more content…

Digital surveillance creates a barrier from letting one think for themselves because of the constant fear of being watched. As said in the book They Know Everything About You: How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies Are Destroying Democracy, “Indeed, the unique value of Internet data mining is this ability to fine-tune outreach and manipulation of individual desire based on the most intimate mapping of personal taste, fears, and aspirations” (Scheer,108). Having the power to control another's personality is an immense power, and it can be used for the wrong reasons. Surveillance takes the independent rights away by restricting the first and the fourth amendment in the Bill of Rights. The continuous use of digital surveillance will inevitably endanger freedom and censor every part of society. Big Brother is still currently winning, and only the people can create a change by choosing standing

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